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Current Affair Today is a proudbest website for current affairs preparationfor competitive exams like UPSC, SSC, IPS, IAS, state level exams, exams for vacancies in courts and banking exams like IBPS, RRB, IBPS clerk PO & SO exams. Why Current Affair Today? We extract the best knowledge i...
Poonam Dalal Dahiya ‘MODERN INDIA: For Civil Services and Other Competitive Examinations’ Aseem Chawla ‘Finding A Straight Line Between Twists and Turns – An Imperfect, Yet Honest Reflections on the Indian Tax Landscape’ Salman Khurshid ‘Sunrise over Ayodhya – Nationhood in our Times’ Trip...
Today, obesity is the most serious problem of the people. Obesity is the product of change in lifestyle, food, mobility, health and change in nutrition. Resul
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Donald Trump will have no trouble voting today, despite the fact that he became the first former president of the US to be convicted of felony crimes.
Over 80 per cent of Testbook traffic is coming from the cities/towns beyond the top 10 metros and Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and Rajasthan are the top three states, followed by Madhya Pradesh and Andhra Pradesh, according to Ashutosh Kumar, Co-founder...
The last date to apply for UP pre-matric scholarships is31st October 2024and post-matric scholarships is31st December 2024. The Government of Uttar Pradesh has announced a number of pre-matric and post-matric scholarships for students who are domiciled in Uttar Pradesh. The key objective of ...
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Aarav's mother was 3 times as old as Aarav 5 years ago. After 5 years she will be twice as old as Aarav. How old is Aarav today?