Bankalarn Krllna Etki Eden Faktrlerin Tespiti: Türk Bankaclk Sektrü in Toda-Yamamoto Nedensellik Testi Bulgulardoi:10.51551/verimlilik.1309122Purpose: The main purpose of banks is to develop a sustainable profitability policy and to increase their market value. It ...
Hizmet hracat ile stihdam Arasndaki likinin Johansen Ebütünleme ve Toda Yamamoto Nedensellik Testi ile Analizi: Türkiye rneidoi:10.47644/TurkishStudies.50007One of the most important problems of both developed and developing countries is to provide employment opportun...
Toda-Yamamoto Test was used to determine the causality relationship. The research material consists of a 168-month dataset on raw milk prices and milk feed prices between January 2008 and December 2021. According to the results of the research, a %10 causality relationship...