Note: This function is only available in Excel for Microsoft 365 on the Insider channel. TOCOL function VS. TOROW function The TOCOL function can be used to transform an array or a range to a single column, while the TOROW function can be used to transform an array or a range to a s...
What Is the TOCOL Function in Microsoft Excel? The TOCOL function transforms a specified set of data, or an array, into a single column. Reorganizing data sets into columns would be a challenging, time-consuming task to perform manually, especially if you're looking to clean up blank spaces ...
The ability to transpose data from columns to rows and in reverse has been in Excel for quite a while. But converting a range of cells into a single column was a tricky task to crack. Now, that's finally changing. Microsoft has introduced a new function, called TOCOL, which can do an...
備註:此功能僅在 Excel for Microsoft 365 的 Insider 頻道中可用。 TOCOL 函數 VS. TOROW 函數 TOCOL 函數可用於將數組或範圍轉換為單列,而 TOROW 函數可用於將數組或範圍轉換為單行。 句法 參數 排列(必需):要轉換為單列的數組。 忽略(可選):忽略某些類型的值。 默認情況下,所有值都會保留。
备注:此功能仅在 Excel for Microsoft 365 的 Insider 频道中可用。 TOCOL 函数 VS. TOROW 函数 TOCOL 函数可用于将数组或范围转换为单列,而 TOROW 函数可用于将数组或范围转换为单行。 句法 =TOCOL(array,[ignore],[scan_by_column]) 参数 排列(必需):要转换为单列的数组。