報名 bàomíng(VA) to sign up, to enter one's name 報社 bàoshè (N) general office of a newspaper / newspaper office / CL: 家 抱怨 bàoyuàn (VA)to complain; to grumble 爆炸 bàozhà (VS)explosion / to explode / to blow up / to detonate 暴躁 bàozào (VS)irascible / irritable ...
2017 年 6 月 25 日胡志明市地區華語文能力測驗(TOCFL)電腦測驗報名表 Phi?u ghi danh “K? thi N?ng l?c Hoa ng? (TOCFL) trê n má y tí nh ngà y 25/6/2017” t?i Thà nh ph? H? Chí Minh (每場次共 54 人報名 M?i ca t?ng c?ng 54 ng??i ??ng kí d? thi) 測驗...
任何想要瞭解自己的華語程度,或是有興趣想要在使用華語的 地區求學、工作或進行貿易之人士,均可報名參加。 TOCFL is designed for non-native speakers of Chinese. Those who wish to know about their level of Chinese proficiency, or those who want to study, work or do busi- ness in Chinese speaking...
地區求學、工作或進行貿易之人士,均可報名參加。 TOCFLisdesignedfornon-nativespeakersofChinese.Thosewhowishtoknow abouttheirlevel of Chinese proficiency, or those who want to study, work or do busi- ness in Chinese speaking countries are welcome to take the test. 詞彙量 Vocabulary base 測驗等級 Tes...
報名 bàomíng (VA) enter one's name, sign up 報社 bàoshè (N) newspaper office 抱怨 bàoyuàn (VA) complain, grumble 爆炸 bàozhà (VS) explode, blow up 暴躁 bàozào (VS) petulant, irascible, explosive 悲劇 bēijù (N) tragedy ...