Toca Life World it's in the top of the charts. 8,168,805 total plays: Success! Playing Toca Life World online is free. Enjoy this Kids game already!
Come play!" ABOUT TOCA BOCA Toca Boca is an award winning game studio that makes digital toys for kids. We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys and games that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together...
Toca Boca. Each character has a different voice. Control your music box to create tracks with a variety of sounds. Enjoy colorful, playful graphics that bring the world of music to life, creating an immersive experience that’s perfect for all ages. Drag the black moon onto a character to...
Welcome to Toca Life: Town You rule this Town, a play world where anything and everyone is welcome! With different locations and many classic Toca Boca characters, the everyday adventures in Town are infinite. EXPLORE Move around in town! Visit the store to buy groceries, stop by the restau...
Toca Kitchen 2 Toca Boca AB Family & kids EVERYONE Comic Mischief The wildly popular Toca Kitchen is back! With new guests to cook for, more tools to play with and new food combinations to test out, Toca Kitchen 2 invites all chefs to get messy and start playing! GET CRE...
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Free Get Available on PC Mobile device Description Get ready for a colorful adventure in Toca Coloring World! This exciting coloring game lets you explore and bring to life three different levels filled with fun and creativity. Color your favorite Toca characters, adorable pets, and lively city...
Come play!" ABOUT TOCA BOCA Toca Boca is an award winning game studio that makes digital toys for kids. We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys and games that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together...
Come play!" ABOUT TOCA BOCA Toca Boca is an award winning game studio that makes digital toys for kids. We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys and games that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together...
Come play!" ABOUT TOCA BOCA Toca Boca is an award winning game studio that makes digital toys for kids. We think playing and having fun is the best way to learn about the world. Therefore we make digital toys and games that help stimulate the imagination, and that you can play together...