🧪 Toca Boca Lab: ElementsExplore the fun and electrifying world of science and discover all 118 of the elements from the periodic table! Unlock a passion for early STEM learning!👷 Toca Boca BuildersJoin your six new builder buddies and create a whole new world with blocks. Unleash your...
Toca Lab 2.1.play.apk Toca Lab DescriptionThe number of all future scientists! Explore various elements through experimental tools! - .com Together to explore the colorful -
With Toca Blocks, kids can construct worlds and fill them with adventurous paths. They can craft detailed obstacle courses, intricate race tracks or floating islands and meet the characters to discover each one’s unique abilities! Part of Toca Boca Jr!
欢迎来到 Toca 实验室!齐来探索奇幻多彩的科学世界,并认识周期表中的 118 种元素吧。 借助实验工具来探索各种元素! * 将元素放入离心机中旋转 * 将它们放到本生加热器中加热。噢,温度太高了! * 将元素放到带有制冷剂的冰块上! * 从试管添加一到两滴神秘液体* 用示波器更改电动势并使其充磁 每种元素都有独特...
Código Appcom.tocaboca.tocalabplants descripción Toca Lab: Plants DescriptionGreat game, good graphics. - .com Make fun experiments on each workstation to see how the plants will evolve. Continue experiment until you have collected all 35 plant roles in the application. After collecting a plant...
Toca Boca Lab: Elements • Explore the fun and electrifying world of science and discover all 118 of the elements from the periodic table! Unlock a passion for early STEM learning! Toca Boca Builders • Join your six new builder buddies and create a whole new world with blocks. Unleash ...
Piknik includes Toca Boca Jr, Toca Boca Hair Salon 4, Sago Mini World, Sago Mini School, and Sago Mini First Words - with more on the way. Whether you’re looking for fun learning games for kids or imaginative playtime that sparks creativity, you’ll find it in Piknik. ...
这些价值观将帮助小孩子学习生活的基础知识。 Toca Boca的男孩们刚刚启动了一个新的应用程序Toca Lab:种植一个应用程序,其中最小的房子将开始看看您的植物如何生长,创造新物种...借助此应用程序,孩子们将开始学习植物的基本功能,并且顺便尝试一下该应用程序为我们提供的35种植物特征。
大受欢迎的 Toca Kitchen 闪亮回归!Toca Kitchen 2 带来了新食客、新工具,更有全新的食物搭配等你来尝试。Toca Kitchen 2 欢迎所有大厨来这里“大显身手”,快乐游戏!
APK名称com.tocaboca.tocalabplants Download APK [2.0.play](67.98 MB) Download free [2.0.play](67.98 MB) 软件介绍 Toca Lab: Plants DescriptionGreat game, good graphics. - .com Make fun experiments on each workstation to see how the plants will evolve. Continue experiment until you have col...