参考文献 1.“Rolling Revision of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality: Nitrates and nitrites in drinking-water.” July 2004. World Health Organization. 2.“Consumer Factsheet on: NITRATES/NITRITES.” US EPA. http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/pdfs/factsheets/ioc/nitrates.pdf 3.Neethling, J...
“Rolling Revision of the WHO Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality: Nitrates and nitrites in drinking-water.” July 2004. World Health Organization. “Consumer Factsheet on: NITRATES/NITRITES.” US EPA. http://www.epa.gov/ogwdw/pdfs/factsheets/ioc/nitrates.pdf Neethling, J.B. “Tertiary De...
At the headworks of a drinking water treatment plant, raw water typically undergoes five major processes to become safe for drinking. Depending on the characteristics of the source water, additional steps may be necessary to address specific water qualit
Pilot Study on TOC Removal in Drinking Water Using Enhanced Coagulation Assisted by Membrane Ultrafiltrationdoi:AWWA ACE69065美国环境保护局(USEPA)的规定对美国的消毒副产品越来越严格\n自第一阶段和第二阶段消毒颁布以来的饮用水分配系统\n副产品规则.过去,在科罗拉多州勒普顿市,三卤甲烷总量\n(TTHM)配水系统...
美国国家环境保护局“饮用水处理法规:第1阶段消毒副产物规则(Drinking Water Treatment Regulation: Stage 1 DBP Rule)”要求根据源水的TOC和碱度,通过增强凝聚作用或软化作用来去除TOC百分比含量。规则还规定,如果源水或要处理的水的SUVA值保持在2.0L/(mg·m-1)以下,则可以忽略去除百分比3。
美国1967年就在ASTM试验法(美国材料试验协会)D-2579中采用了水中TOC测定方法;2005年,美国环保总局推出总有机碳的测定方法标准EPA METHOD 415.3《DETERMINATION OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON AND SPECIFIC UV ABSORBANCE AT 254 nm IN SOURCE WATER AND DRINKING WATER》,对ISO8245-1999进行细化;现在美国测定水中有机物综合...
美国1967年就在ASTM试验法(美国材料试验协会)D-2579中采用了水中TOC测定方法;2005年,美国环保总局推出总有机碳的测定方法标准EPA METHOD 415.3《DETERMINATION OF TOTAL ORGANIC CARBON AND SPECIFIC UV ABSORBANCE AT 254 nm IN SOURCE WATER AND DRINKING WATER》,对ISO8245-1999进行细化;现在美国测定水中有机物综合...
4. Allpike, B. P., Heitz, A., Joll, C. A., Kagi, R. I., Abbt-Braun, G., Frimmel, F. H., . . . Amy, G. (2005). Size Exclusion Chromatography To Characterize DOC Removal in Drinking Water Treatment. Environmental Science & Technology, 39(7), 2334-2342. doi:10.1021/es049...
4.EPA Method 415.3.Determination of Total Organic Carbon and Specific UV Absorbance at 254 nm in Source Water and Drinking Water.EPA方法415.3源水和饮用水中总有机碳和254 nm处紫外吸光度的测定 分享: SieversM5310C实验室总有机碳TOC分析仪
1、总有机碳测定的药典应用总有机碳测定的药典应用 一 关于制药用水总有机碳测定的药典应用 Only drinking grade of feeding water should be used for the production of pharmacopoeial grade water and this should meet WHO drinking water standards. It is the prescribed source of feed water for the ...