Toblerone logo design merges the brand's rich history with a future-proof visual refresh to bring sweet innovation to the sweets industry. Get inspired!
He sold his patent 20 years later to Tobler, another Swiss, founder of Toblerone (we'll come back to that). If the packaging did not yet feature the mountain back in the 1950s,the Matterhorn was clearly in the spotlight and the Swiss origin of Toblerone was undeniable(see pictures below)...
' Well, take a good look at the Toblerone logo, because it's keeping an adorable secret from the untrained eye. While cleverly using the blank space in the design, you can see a dancing bear on the mountain face of the logo. (Love this Easter egg? check thesesix logo Easter Eggsyou...
There is a hidden bear in the Matterhorn mountain on the Toblerone logo, symbolizing Bern, the town of its chinese 三角巧克力(Toblerone)是瑞士卡夫食品公司生产的巧克力条。中文名字源于其特有的三角造型,象征瑞士阿尔卑斯山的马特洪峰。同时其黄色三棱柱的包装和经常在免税店出售的形...
After gaining the chance to take in the striking scenery of the Swiss alps, it’s easy to understand exactly why they have become such a major symbol for Toblerone. Though the precise story remains unknown, it is thought the celebrated Matterhorn mountain proved the inspiration for the distincti...
Hidden in plain sight and often mistaken for snow, you’ll spot the outline of a bear standing up on its hind legs, reaching up the mountain. Tobler incorporated this into the logo because of Bern, the Swiss capital where the bar was created is also called the “City of Bears”. The ...
题目: TheToblerone()containstheimageofabearhiddenintheMatterhornmountain,whichiswhereTobleroneoriginallycamefrom. A.logo B.brand D.slogan 免费查看参考答案及解析 12345678910下一页 共2000条数据 亲,您把题目复制到这里 搜一搜,就有答案。免费的哦...