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Tobii Eye Tracker 5L is a high-end 120Hz eye tracker peripheral for effortless commercial integration.
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[8K]用眼动仪和头瞄玩武装突袭3 Tobii Eye Tracker 5 试用 金家寨/61方面军 联机游戏社区 2022-04-04 程序员老金 相关推荐 查看更多 1384 3 44:19 App 【457搬运】ARMA 2 2022 年玩起来还是好玩的——4K逼真玩法 1667 1 26:37 App 终极篇!让武装突袭帧率暴涨15%!附带原理讲解的超长完整版!2021-12...
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渐冻症眼控仪 Tobii Eye Tracker 5眼球追踪仪渐冻人眼动仪眼控仪游戏电竞科研 Tracker 5 (开票)图片、价格、品牌样样齐全!【京东正品行货,全国配送,心动不如行动,立即购买享受更多优惠哦!】
Discover what makes Tobii Eye Tracker 5 more immersive and gives the best gaming experience money can buy. Not just for gamers, but content creators too.
Tobii Eye Tracker Carry Case Take good care of your Tobii Eye Tracker with this all new Carry Case. It’s compact and designed to match your Tobii Eye Tracker 5 or Tobii Eye Tracker 4C. Tobii Eye Tracker Mounting Kit Our Flex Mount sticks easily to the bottom of your monitor. Flat, cu...
Using a Tobii Eye Tracker 5, you can fly through the ‘verse with even greater immersion thanks to Extended View functionality. This grants you a larger field of view, increasing your overall awareness while exploring the universe and improving how you navigate. ...