Molecular dynamics simulations have been used to study the effects of cationic substitutions on the structure of tobermorite. Before substitution, tetrahedrally coordinated silicon atoms form infinite chains. Aluminiums then preferentially substitute for the bridging silicon atoms of the structure, without ...
27 Al and 29 Si magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy revealed that the maximum amount of Al that can be substituted for Si in the tobermorite structure is 15 to 20 mol%. Powder X-ray diffraction and cation exchange studies corroborate the above finding. Anomalous ...
The uptake of Cs is maximum in the presence of highly hydrated Mg2+ and Li+ ions whereas it is minimum in the presence of less hydrated K+ and Ba2+ ions due to steric limitations of the tobermorite structure.Access through your organization Check access to the full text by signing in ...
RICHARDSON, I. G. Tobermorite/jennite and tobermorite/calcium hydroxidebased models for the structure of CSH: applicability to hardened pastes of tricalcium silicate, dicalcium silicate, Portland cement, ...
The results showed that Sr~(2+) can replace Ca~(2+) in calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel to form solid solution and make the structure of CSH gel more disordered under the experimental conditi. 结果表明:在实验条件下,Sr2+能取代水化硅酸钙凝胶中Ca2+而形成固溶体,并使CSH凝胶结构更趋无序;...
The uptake of Cs is maximum in the presence of highly hydrated Mg 2+ and Li + ions whereas it is minimum in the presence of less hydrated K + and Ba 2+ ions due to steric limitations of the tobermorite structure. 展开 关键词: inorganic, organic, physical and analytical chemistry cesium...
Tobermorite/jennite- and tobermorite/calcium hydroxide-based models for the structure of C-S-H: applicability to hardened pastes of tricalcium silicate, β... Tobermorite/jennite- and tobermorite/calcium hydroxide-based models for the structure of C-S-H: applicability to hardened pastes of ...
-CaSi03).Atthattime,noneofthesestructureshadbeendetermined,andanimportantadvanceoccurredwhenDornberger-Schiff,LiebauandThilo(1954;Liebau,1956a) determinedthestructureofMaddrell'ssalt,apolymorphofNaAs03,whichtheyshowedtobeisostructuralwithoneofthepolytypesofwollastonite.Thelatterwasthusfoundtocontaininfinitechainsof...
In order to overcome these deficiencies and provide a better alternative simulation strategy, the present work carried out a comprehensive study on the mechanical properties of layered tobermorite structure with axial, shear, and nano-indentation simulations, using a more proper C-S-H force field to...
However, the relationship between carbonation shrinkage and change of tobermorite-11Å crystal structure has not been reported. We studied the mechanism of carbonation shrinkage of AAC, carbonated under an accelerated condition, with 29Si MAS NMR spectroscopy. We also studied the carbonation shrinkage ...