必应词典为您提供tobermorite-gel的释义,网络释义: 莫来石凝胶;雪硅钙石胶黏剂;
The tobermorite gel, formed by hydrothermal reaction of silica and lime, is transformed either into "Z" phase if the quantity of lime is less than 37 % or into 10 Å tobermorite if the quantity of lime is between 37 % and 42 %. The sheets of tobermorite gel are progressively ordered ...
The results showed that Sr~(2+) can replace Ca~(2+) in calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel to form solid solution and make the structure ofCSHgel more disordered under the experimental conditi. 结果表明:在实验条件下,Sr2+能取代水化硅酸钙凝胶中Ca2+而形成固溶体,并使CSH凝胶结构更趋无序;SrO能...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: ZeitschriftfürKristallographie202,41-50(1992)( byR.OldenbourgVerlag,München1992- 0044-2968/92$ 3.00+ 0.00Tobermorite,jennite,andcementgelH. F.W.TaylorDepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofAberdeen,MestonWalk,OldAberdeen,ABl9NE,ScotlandReceived:June13,1991;...
In the microstructure change of AAC during carbonation [3], the planer particle shapes of tobermorite-11Å and the associated interparticle pores were not changed significantly, although the double-chain silicate anion structure of tobermorite-11Å was decomposed to silica-gel-like structure, and dr...
They revealed that the stiffness of C-S-H gel is weakened due to the presence of water molecules and the breakage of silicate chains. Manzano, et al.51, 52 calculated elastic properties of crystalline tobermorite and glassy C-S-H under shear using reactive force field simulations. They found...
(1992) Tobermorite, jennite, and cement gel. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 202, 41–50.10.1524/zkri.1992.202.1-2.41Search in Google Scholar Taylor, M.W., and Surdam, R.C. (1981) Zeolite reactions in the tuffaceous sediments at Teels March, Nevada. Clays and Clay Minerals, 29, ...
in C-S-H (gel), after lengthy periods of hydration, considerable amounts of orthosilicate and dimer silicate chains exist, suggests the possibility of a simplified structure (as proposed by Feldman) including silica in many states of polymerization ...
The most prominent phase of hydrated cement paste, as a model for calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel, is tobermorite with varying Ca/Si ratios. In the present work, carbon monoxide (CO) gas is introduced onto the surface of tobermorite a... M Izadifar,C Natzeck,K Emmerich - 《Journal ...
S. Snell, Morphology and CO2 uptake in tobermorite gel, Journal of Colloid Interface Science 50 (2) (1975) 387-391.Baird et al., 1975] Baird, T., Cairns-Smith, A. G. et Snell, D. S. (1975). Morphology and CO2 uptake in tobermorite gel. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 50(...