必应词典为您提供tobermorite-gel的释义,网络释义: 莫来石凝胶;雪硅钙石胶黏剂;
The tobermorite gel, formed by hydrothermal reaction of silica and lime, is transformed either into "Z" phase if the quantity of lime is less than 37 % or into 10 Å tobermorite if the quantity of lime is between 37 % and 42 %. The sheets of tobermorite gel are progressively ordered ...
莫来石膜 1. Supported;and unsupported mullite membranes were prepared by sol-gel process from bothtetraethyoxysilane (TEOS) and aluminium nitrate precursors. 本文以正三酸乙酯(TEOS)和硝酸铝为原料,用溶胶-凝胶法制备了支撑和无支撑的莫来石膜。补充...
The results showed that Sr~(2+) can replace Ca~(2+) in calcium silicate hydrate (CSH) gel to form solid solution and make the structure of CSH gel more disordered under the experimental conditi. 结果表明:在实验条件下,Sr2+能取代水化硅酸钙凝胶中Ca2+而形成固溶体,并使CSH凝胶结构更趋无序;...
Showing a limited preview of this publication: ZeitschriftfürKristallographie202,41-50(1992)( byR.OldenbourgVerlag,München1992- 0044-2968/92$ 3.00+ 0.00Tobermorite,jennite,andcementgelH. F.W.TaylorDepartmentofChemistry,UniversityofAberdeen,MestonWalk,OldAberdeen,ABl9NE,ScotlandReceived:June13,1991;...
In the microstructure change of AAC during carbonation [3], the planer particle shapes of tobermorite-11Å and the associated interparticle pores were not changed significantly, although the double-chain silicate anion structure of tobermorite-11Å was decomposed to silica-gel-like structure, and dr...
They revealed that the stiffness of C-S-H gel is weakened due to the presence of water molecules and the breakage of silicate chains. Manzano, et al.51, 52 calculated elastic properties of crystalline tobermorite and glassy C-S-H under shear using reactive force field simulations. They found...
in C-S-H (gel), after lengthy periods of hydration, considerable amounts of orthosilicate and dimer silicate chains exist, suggests the possibility of a simplified structure (as proposed by Feldman) including silica in many states of polymerization ...
(1992) Tobermorite, jennite, and cement gel. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, 202, 41–50.10.1524/zkri.1992.202.1-2.41Search in Google Scholar Taylor, M.W., and Surdam, R.C. (1981) Zeolite reactions in the tuffaceous sediments at Teels March, Nevada. Clays and Clay Minerals, 29, ...
S. (1975). Morphology and CO2 uptake in tobermorite gel. Journal of Colloid Interface Science, 50(2):387--391.Morphology and COuptake in tobermorite gel. Thomas Baird,A. Graham Cairns-Smith and Douglas S. Snell. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science . 1975...