Be sure to keep a lookout on the 1PG and on my YouTube channel (MalStorm Gaming) for an official announcement!October 6th: While prepping for my list for the 2022 People's Choice Top 200 Solo Games I played a game of Bullet. While I don't like that the name contains an emoji, ...
I volunteer with High School students teaching them programming and robotics. I will have each of them participate in Hacktoberfest tonight!! Paulius Alaburda I am a recent medicine graduate and have been programming in R for the past three years! I also work on cell morphology and I also...
YouTube0:19 100RV-SPR Rubber Lined Vertical Slurry Pumps 1 次浏览 Pump Tobee 29 11月 2021 Tobee® TP Vertical Slurry Pump can be customized in different submerged length for slurry sump appllications. ...
A goodHow-To Guide written by Real Pythonor this talkContributing to Core Python [YouTube]by Carol Willing’s, a Python Software Foundation Fellow, former Director and core developer for CPython, could also help point you in the right direction. The Python Software Foundation also hasPython Co...
1. Rock ’n’ Roll High School - By Ramones2. I Want You Around - By Ramones3. Come On Let’s Go - By Ramones & The Paley Brothers4. Ramones Medley: Blitzkrieg Bop/Teenage Lobotomy /California Sun/Pinhead /She’s the One - By Ramones...
Name: Prasoon Pandey( Place: Allahabad, India About: Computer Science Student with a youtube channel : Gamma Guy Programming Language: HTML, CSS, JS, Java Email: Name: Andrea Rucco Place: Lecce, Italy About: Computer Fanatic/Lover/St...
I’ve thought about doing the whole YouTube vlogging thing,a lot, because I have always been quite a social person, and so many people have suggested I do…however as I have gotten older I really tend to like my privacy. I could never get up the gumption to post that one video I ...
I’d somehow never heard such dogs referred to as “the shuck” or “the black shuck.” I’d been learning about mountaineering disasters and somehow that caused my YouTube algorithm to suggest missing persons cases that happened in the countrysides in Europe, which then led to a charming ...
A helpful roundup of educational YouTube channels for kids that are pre-screened and appropriate for the classroom, distance learning, or homeschool use. YouTube Channels for Kids This compilation of educational YouTube channels for kids is the perfect supplement to learning in the classroom, on...
麻萨诸塞州的卫斯利高中(Wellesley HighSchool)是一所公立中学,是麻省最好的公立高中之一,2014年在该州排名第四。著名的卫斯理女子学院就在附近,校友包括宋美龄、冰心和希拉里.克林顿等。演讲者David McCullough Jr是普利策奖得主及知名历史学家David McCullough之子,也是卫斯里高中资深英语教师。该演讲12分钟,Youtobe上...