MacBarens says this about it on the package write up: A little under half of the volume is a smooth, and yet powerful Latakia from Syria. This tobacco gives the blend the overall “smoky” taste. To add a spicy note to the blend, Turkish Oriental has been added. Different Virginia tob...
Maple Strength Mild to Medium Flavoring Taste Contents Reviews Brand Recommendation V,P Very Mild Medium C Orange,Raspberry,Other/Misc V,L,P,K Medium to Strong Extremely Mild V,L C,V,L,O V,L,O,M B,V Mild Best Brown Flake Samuel Gawith Balkan Sasieni Blue Note Torben Danske Bobs ...
This is just a first impressions from me. The bag note to me was a kind of old school pipe tobacco. It had that earthy Burley scent predominate with a bit...