science- and evidence-based federal regulation would help address societal concerns about tobacco products, promote public health and benefit adult tobacco consumers. While we still believe federal regulation is critical for harm reduction to succeed, we have a long way to go to realize its promise...
Tobacco harm reduction, using safer nicotine products including vaping devices (e-cigarettes), snus and heated tobacco products, offer new choices to millions of people who want to quit smoking.
Tobacco Harm Reduction 菸草減害 電子菸 印度禁用電子煙 專家擔憂黑市問題與吸菸率上升 世衛菸草減害專家 王郁揚2020-05-040 據《Tobacco Reporter》報... Read More 台灣菸草減害協會TTHRA立案遭衛福部阻擋 違憲迫害結社自由權利!ft.世衛菸草減害專家王郁揚 20241031...
June 2022: Learn why we say scientifically substantiated smoke-free products are better alternatives than cigarettes and can positively impact population health.
Harm reduction is not equivalent to or better than stopping the original behavior, but it is better than continuing the original behavior.
The purpose of this study was to discover if current and former consumers of tobacco and tobacco harm reduction (THR) products could distinguish between "nicotine" and "cigarettes" and examined the preceding media dialogue to determine if conflicting messages by the media influence public perceptions...
The best choice for any smoker is to quit nicotine and tobacco altogether. But better alternatives exist for adult smokers who would otherwise continue smoking cigarettes. This is tobacco harm reduction.
Heated tobacco products or e-vapor products or pouches are better than smoking. Jacek speaks to camera: This is nothing else than the harm reduction concept. [Music ends] Text reads: Smoke-free products are not risk-free and provide nicotine which is addictive. ...
However, these products are discursively separated from medicinal nicotine, and the majority of mainstream public health and tobacco control organisations remain opposed to their potential as harm reduction products (Hall, 2005; McNeill, 2004; Sweanor, Alcabes, & Drucker, 2007). For example, the ...
Tobacco harm reduction is a controversial policy due to the experience with filtered and ‘light’ cigarettes and concerns that the tobacco industry will use reduced harm products to undermine tobacco control strategies. The most promising harm reduction products are high dose pharmaceutical nicotine prep...