国际演讲协会(Toastmasters International)启用新Logo 新的彩色标识(JPG)(EPS) 国际演讲协会(Toastmasters International)成立于1924年,是一个非营利事业组织于。全球 70多个国家拥有将近1.2万个会员组织。在中国大陆以及港澳台拥有约5000名成员。其成立的原因是基于帮助他人如何学习说话、倾听与思考,培养学员领导、表达能力...
摘要_Toastmasters D88 2018哈尔滨峰会LOGO及形象亮相 设计元素 丁香 丁香是哈尔滨市花,也是初春的使者,当春天的脚步悄悄来临,丁香会悄悄地吐蕾萌芽,在不经意间,丁香的叶子便四散开来,花朵慢慢的绽放,开出翁蓊郁郁的紫紫兰兰的优雅来。香随风吹,风送香到。 雪花 雪花是哈尔滨必不可少的元素,漫天飞舞的雪花把哈尔滨...
Tailor the appearance of your event with information, logo, candidate profiles and headshots. Take advantage of true split voting. Expert advice from our dedicated team of Returning Officers. On hand support to ensure everything runs smoothly. Get in touch For more info or to book a demoCall...
Toastmasters helped me not only in becoming a better communicator, better leader, but also a better person. These skills I learned in Toastmasters helped me both personally and professionally. It is my time to give back and help other Toastmasters to gro
All rights reserved. Toastmasters International, the Toastmasters International logo and all other Toastmasters International trademarks and copyrights are the sole property of Toastmasters International and may be used only by permission.
We are a Toastmasters club serving Clayton and surrounding areas focused on helping members improve public speaking and leadership skills. We meet every Thursday from 6:00 - 7:15 p.m. at the Workforce Development Center at 135 Bestwood Drive.
Toastmasters International (TI) is a non-profit educational organization which was founded in the United States in 1924. In this era of technology, it has been transformed into a thought that speakers talk about whenever the topic of public speaking and improving one’s language comes up. Till...
THESALE TheSuccessfulClubSeries TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL P.O.Box9052•MissionViejo,CA92690•USA Phone:•Fax: ©2011ToastmastersInternational.s.Toastmasters International,theToastmastersInternationallogo,andallother ToastmastersInternationalsandcopyrightsarethesoleproperty ...
Please don’t join the ZOOM session until the meeting actually starts! There’s really no point! Miami-Wynwood Toastmasters is one of many chapters ofToastmasters International, bringing with it an extensive network of like-minded individuals interested in personal and professional growth. It is our...
Please don’t join the ZOOM session until the meeting actually starts! There’s really no point! Miami-Wynwood Toastmasters is one of many chapters ofToastmasters International, bringing with it an extensive network of like-minded individuals interested in personal and professional growth. It is our...