本人完成了CC 手册 今年会有计划完成CL , Public Relationship ,Facilitating Discussion。为了更好的温故而知新,会以一个系列对CC /CL 进行复习与回顾,以便接下来10个月的实践操作。 关于CC 的10个project Project 1: The ice breaker ( 破冰演讲) Project 2: Organize your speech (演讲框架) Project 3: Get...
Shortly after joining TMs, I delivered my first ice breaker speech and I was very nervous then. My legs were shaking, and my hands were sweating. I don’t know how I finished my speech. After finishing my speech, my brain was totally blank. Then I said to myself, I do not want to...
CC有十项目,分别是: CC1 Ice Breaker初试啼声 CC2 Organize your speech 组织你的演讲 CC3 Get to the point 切入重点 CC4 How to say it 表达方式 CC5 Your Body Speaks 肢体语言 CC6 Vocal Variety 发声的多样性 CC7 Research your topic 主题研究 CC8 Get comfortable with Visual Aids 视觉辅助 CC9 ...
speech draft 232021-06 7 ice breaker rehearsal 232021-06 8 family role 372021-06 9 Huangxi and preparing ice breaker 482021-06 10 after joining ZGC club 502021-06 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1.3万 叶罗丽精灵-STO by:罐砸想改名o 1220 Candy Sto 3-Future by:嘻哈有态度 3.9万 我TM怎么又重生了 by:...
In May of 1985, I was a graduating senior at the University of California and needed help with job interviews and a graduation speech. I joined Toastmasters, believing a brief membership would help improve my public speaking skills. But I never left. The supportive, positive club environment en...
ICE Toastmasters Club 时间地点:北京化工大学逸夫图书馆一层东侧 BUCT 咖啡 1540-1740 Campus ...
19:01SAA:explainmeetingrule19:04President:MeetingOpening19:09Greeter:WelcomeGuests19:11Jokemaster:twosoldiers19:14Toastmaster:OpeningSpeech19:17GE:IntroduceEvaluationTeam19:18Timer:TimingGuidelines19:19Ah-counter:Ah-countingGuidelines19:20Grammarian:GrammarianGuidelines19:21Toastmaster:BacktoToastmaster ≥2-...
37 2021-06 3 preparing table Topic 23 2021-06 4 TM and story teller 23 2021-06 5 feedback,Kelly,about official 34 2021-06 6 recall yesterday meeting 38 2021-06 7 ice breaker rehearsal 34 2021-06 8 speech draft 23 2021-06 9
这一系列是我参加Toastmaster Club的记录,包括主题构思、演讲稿、当时的录像、演讲后的反思和总结等。由于本人性格较为内向,不善于交流,所以想要踏出自己的舒适区让自己成长。希望这些内容或多或少对你有用,也希望你能够勇敢地踏出自己的舒适区去发现一个更美好的世界。 Ice Breaker This foundational project is desi...
Learn English |Ice breaker speech 2023-02-16 17:34:1801:49 1011 所属专辑:Toastmasters头马toastmaster 喜欢下载分享 声音简介 | Once upon a time, there was a young student named Sarah who had been studying English for many years. She had always done well on her English exams, but one day...