简介: toastify-js 分享一个前端消息提示组件库ToastifyJs https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js 引入: npm install --save toastify-js 或者 使用: Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000 }).showToast(); 复杂例子: Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000...
Toastify github:https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js 代码示例 Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", position: "center", }).showToast(); 效果
使用: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000 }).showToast(); 复杂例子: 代码语言:javascript 复制 Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: "https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js", newWindow: true, close: true, gravity...
github: https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js 代码示例 Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", position: "center", }).showToast(); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 效果
And the script at the bottom of the pageFiles are delivered via the CDN service provided by jsdeliver DocumentationToastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: "https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js", newWindow: true, close...
Toastify github:https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js 代码示例 Toastify({text: "This is a toast",position: "center",}).showToast(); 效果
And the script at the bottom of the pageFiles are delivered via the CDN service provided by jsdeliver DocumentationToastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: "https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js", newWindow: true, close...
> Files are delivered via the CDN service provided by [jsdeliver](https://www.jsdelivr.com/) ## Documentation ```javascript Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: 'https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js', newWindow: true, close: true, gravity: "top", /...
Files are delivered via the CDN service provided by jsdeliver Documentation ``` js Toastify({ text: "This is a toast", duration: 3000, destination: "https://github.com/apvarun/toastify-js", newWindow: true, close: true, gravity: "top", // `top` or `bottom` position: "left", /...
<ToastContainertoastClassName={()=>classNames( 'relative flex p-2 min-h-10 border rounded-md justify-between overflow-hidden cursor-pointer', bgColor, color, borderBgColor, ) } position="top-right" autoClose={3000} icon={<Icon/>} closeButton={...