大碗宽酒:龙舌兰基底、科罗纳酒,西柚、柠檬、金桔、话梅作为果调酒的基本标配,微醺女孩必喝! 🏠 店内风格设计用心,室内沙滩露营风,仿佛身临其境,蒸汽波霓虹灯照射,拍照打卡分分钟出片。 📍 地址:「TOASTLAB」导航直达 ⏰ 营业时间:早晨10:40~凌晨01:00 💰 人均消费:30元,丰俭由人 普宁探店|普宁美食|...
这款吐司比平常吃的蟹肉更清甜一些,淡淡的香味,非常好吃。🥓厚切培根吐司 也很香,记得趁热吃哦,味道非常棒。这顿人均消费30+,性价比还是挺高的。🈺️营业时间:12:00-23:00 店名:TOASTLAB!吐司实验室🍞 地址:coco星河1号门附近,导航🧭即可到达。周末去哪儿玩?普宁流沙、普宁国际、普宁万泰汇、普宁美食...
video installations contact ToastLab is in Albuquerque, New Mexico and is the art studio of Alexa Wheeler. This place is the compilation of my work so far. I am a woman, an artist, a professor, a mother, a partner, a sibling, a friend, a citizen, and an endless investigator in human...
42″ x 30″ pigment ink print on archival canvas, legos, wooden blocks, contact paper, grommets trak show: 24″ x 36″ oil painting on canvas, mixed-media collage VMI Internazionale: 24″ x 20″ oil painting on canvas, mixed-media collage, gold leaf 46″ x 46″ oil painting on canvas...
点评用户“国产芒果喵啊喵”对【Toast Lab】的评价:开在大行宫地铁站旁边新世纪广场B座的一家甜品店~很运气的中了一个他家的毛巾卷~趁着还没过期赶紧过来领了~ 店...
Toast Lab精选🍞 🌟芋泥肉松吐司:这个搭配听起来有点奇怪,但尝起来却意外的好吃。芋泥的甜度刚刚好,非常推荐!👍🌟花生酱培根吐司:特别之处在于花生酱的加入,让这款咸吐司与众不同,味道很不错!😋🌟番薯蛋:中规中矩,番薯内馅不算多,但刚出炉的热度让它变得非常美味!🍠📍Toast Lab 吐司道...
普宁探店|TOASTLAB吐司实验室 🍞店名:TOASTLAB吐司实验室 📍地址:cococity一楼环城北路边 ⏰营业时间:12am-23pm 💰人均消费:30+左右,丰俭由人 🍴推荐菜品:主打招牌吐司,五星推荐★★★ 📸环境:水泥工业风,适合拍照 🚗停车:停到星河就好 🥤饮料推荐:混凝土,值得一试新开业...
🍞Toast Lab 📍南京市秦淮区文昌巷35号 原来在新世纪广场这边,现在搬到文昌巷这里,旁边就是苏果便利店,店铺不是很大,一般都是买好打包带走的。 「黑珍珠」里面有一整个咸蛋黄,还有肉松,味道还不错。 「抹茶毛巾卷」颜值很在线哦~ 查看全部 打开App查看剩余内容 推荐:黑珍珠抹茶毛巾卷 打开App查看高清大图 ...
fluff chemistry collection 12” x 8” x 2” cooper drypoint on cotton rag paper, acetate, acetate transfer, screws, nuts, grommets, bookboard, found objects at8: 12″ x 12″ wooden cube, astroturf, mirrors with photographs, military mess container bluurb finger: 5″ x 8″ japanese bound...
In each season of my life, there are overarching problems and questions that arise- and I need to remain curious to investigate them through my art, or I may cease to exist. In my latest work, “hold on…”, as well as in many other series, I am working through my individual identit...