2.1k Location:Texas/Holstein/NTT PostedMay 25, 2009 at 11:52 PM Thanks zhwj and Daan, both very interesting points. Studying Classical languages can be a lot of fun, but sometimes you wonder if they really spoke like that, in the case of Latin, if you've ever seen one of Cicero's...
11, 2199 16 of 21 HMVECs Hs68 hTMSCs HUVECs IPFP IPNs LAB LAP MRI MSCs nHA NHDFs NHEKs PCL PEG PEGDA PEGDMA PLA PVA SA SLA UV VEGF β-TCP Human dermal microvascular endothelial cells Human dermal fibroblasts Human inferior turbinate-tissue derived mesenchymal stromal cel...
Then the integral form of this equation tarhewnedisdleoerpsretahnoegf eltihnoaeftaslrpinerqeeauddaeitnnioogntre:aslnttehXsei/nsXpode =icf ifµfei r×ce rtna.ttDecuo(µruionn)tgoritfehtshe(eefxreoppmoidn ~eem n0t.i1ica2sl pptorhe ~aas d0e.i,6na5gs .dtN...
animal products [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]. These production methods often rely on an array of veterinary pharmaceuticals, including antibiotics from classes important to human medicine, and arsenic-based drugs [16,17,18]. The use of some of these compounds has been shown to select for...
Industrial food animal production (IFAP) is characterized by dense animal housing, high throughput, specialization, vertical integration, and corporate consolidation. Research in high-income countries has documented impacts on public health, the environm
Ingested spores of various Bacillus species have health-beneficial effects [9,11] and provide protection against bacterial [15] and viral infections [16]. Such probiotic effects have been ascribed to various mechanisms, including the promotion of the development of the Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue...
iumpnpItnyeii nttmitniacnhoustgeir.mo ert n hebcpeois mrofdrovptreaelemerdaixrao cmmnnats susstesruw,acptutehielnreodeas.atkdiNboeeilnotleie wticaystal e oddidmfeamaybpnsyao,inr‐‐ hmtetpdsi:c/in/ad5o9i0.o3SRhr0gyte5tn/pp3oo1s1s:0r/tt./o.3d sM3...
Jeon, J.; Jang, J.; Park, K. Effects of Consuming Calcium-Rich Foods on the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Nutrients 2018, 11, 31. [CrossRef] 83. Song, S.; Lee, J.E. Dietary Patterns Related to Triglyceride and High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol and the Incidence of Type ...
44..11.. SSttaattiissttiiccaall AAnnaallyysseess 4.1.1. Multivariate Analysis of Variance 4.1.1. Multivariate Analysis of Variance A MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) was run to investigate the effect of each setting (fixedAfaMctAorN, O4 VleAve(lms) uolntivPaRriSa,teCNanSa,lPy...
16. Hmami, F.; Oulmaati, A.; Amarti, A.; Kottler, M.L.; Bouharrou, A. Overdose or hypersensitivity to vitamin D? Arch. Pediatr. 2014, 21, 1115–1119. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 17. Kaur, P.; Mishra, S.K.; Mithal, A. Vitamin D toxicity resulting from overzealous correction of ...