in solo celebration of its 100th Anniversary, browsing through past issues from the years I first started reading the magazine. In that February 28, 1970 issue, for example, I perused the Nightlife section, wondering where I might have gone had I been in New York at the time. I could...
poorly known rainforest toads. Hardly any information is available on them bar the fact that they lay their eggs in little shallow pools, and that the males then guard the eggs. Molecular
) as new hosts of Oswaldocruzia filiformis (Goeze, 1782) Travassos 1917 (Nematoda). Wiadomosci Parazytol., 33(2): 209–12 (In Polish) Biserkov, V., Kostadinova, A. (1998): Intestinal helminth communities in the green lizard, Lacerta viridis, from Bulgaria. J. Helminthol., 72(3)...