最近 打算使用toad操作数据库,但是提示“Youhavenooracleclientsinstalled”。这个问题在没有重装系统前已经解决了这个问题。但这时怎么没有有在goole,baidu上搜到解决办法,而且也忘了之间将记录的文件保存到哪个录下了,唉... 最终在还是在instantclient_11_1目录下搜到。总算找到了!! 这回可不能在忘了,要将它记录...
2.安装Toad for Oracle 10.6 (Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 10.6.1 Commercial) Toad for Oracle 9.7.25安装/卸载/重装 一开始,走了不少弯路,安装了版本9.7.25,在启动过程中,出现"You have no oracle clients installed"警告,并导致不能连接Oracle数据库。国外几个同行,有提到说Toad在x64系统上,要留意安装路...
2.安装Toad for Oracle 10.6 (Toad DBA Suite for Oracle 10.6.1 Commercial) Toad for Oracle 9.7.25安装/卸载/重装 一开始,走了不少弯路,安装了版本9.7.25,在启动过程中,出现"You have no oracle clients installed"警告,并导致不能连接Oracle数据库。国外几个同行,有提到说Toad在x64系统上,要留意安装路...
很明显 你没装oracle客户端。装上后 记得配置 “本地Net 服务名配置” 就是" 服务名:OracleServiceORCL" 要用的名字。
原因:没有安装64位oracle客户端。解决办法:(1)下载 instant client 12.2 (2)解压到任意位置,如...
When starting the Toad application or trying to connect to a database, Toad for Oracle returns the following error: "No valid Oracle Client found. Please note that Toad only supports 32-bit Oracle Client installations." OR "No valid Oracle clients found. You need at...
You can have multiple Oracle clients installed on your computer. These client locations are also referred to as Oracle homes, and you can select which one Toad currently uses. Connections are managed from the Database Login window. To access the Database Login window » Go to Session | New...
If you don't have an Oracle client installed, of course you won't have their tools like SQL*Plus, DataPump, Import/Export, but if you have a client installed Toad can still use these tools, even if you run Toad in no-client mode. ...
Debugger: "Invalid Oracle Home" error is raised when debugging if the session is made without a client and no clients are installed. TOR-7718 link Toad for Oracle on Mac: Cannot save BLOB data from the data grid BLOB editor. TOR-7737 Toad for Oracle on Mac: Poor font quality. TOR-...
•3. 在toad for oracle目录下新建如下bat文件,替换其快捷方式,启动toad for oracle:echo off set path=C:\instantclient-basic-nt- set ORACLE_HOME=C:\instantclient-basic-nt- set TNS_ADMIN=C:\instantclient-basic-nt-\network\admin set ...