Rearing of the tadpoles of the frog, Rana breviceps , in solutions containing 2.5, 5, 7.5, 10 and 15 IU/ml vitamin A palmitate resulted in reduction or complete disappearance of the keratinized epidermal material over the jaws and of the horny labial teeth. The tadpoles of the toad, Bufo...
However, all toads are frogs but not all frogs are toads, with toads having unique features that distinguish them from the main frog group. Both are amphibians belonging to the order Anura, with true frogs belonging to the family Ranidae and true toads belonging to the family Bufonidae. What...
The tadpoles grow into fully formed toads in 45 days or less. At that point, they begin to eat worms, insects, and snails. Sometimes a young toad is called a toadlet. The fire-bellied toad lives longer than many other types of toads. In the wild they usually live from 12 to 15 ...
In addition, in some of these closely related species without chucks, females prefer the calls of their own species to which the chuck of a túngara frog is added. As this short review of female choice shows, there are a number of different scenarios that can favor the evolution of female...
African Tree Toad Facts Introducing African Tree Toads Facts About These Toads A Toad’s Life Ask a Toad More Facts Two Tree Toads Other Toads Frog vs Toad Grundel the Toad Toad OrigamiLink/cite this page If you reference any of the content on this page on your own website, please use ...
japonicus eggs/hatchlings to cannibalism by native-range conspecific tadpoles, and to predation by native-range frog tadpoles. Our findings thus support the idea that biological invasions can generate rapid changes in rates of cannibalism, but also show that decreases as well as increases can occur...
To test this hypothesis with respect to endocrine regulation, we investigated the mechanistic basis for phenotypic differences among spadefoot toad species that differ in the duration of their larval period and their degree of plasticity in the timing of metamorphosis. We raised tadpoles of three speci...
To ensure high conservation of the samples, we started hatching from the egg belt and tested tadpoles or toads at different stages. Thus, the results will reflect the differences in BDs, lipids, and gene expression at different growth stages. Transcriptomics and lipidomics are potent tools for ...
Hollinger TG, Corton GL: Artificial fertilization of gametes from the South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis). Gamete Res. 1980, 3: 45-57. 10.1002/mrd.1120030106. Article CAS Google Scholar Galli Mainini: Ovulacion del Bufo arenarum con gonadotrofina corionica. Revista de la Sociedad Arg...
I described the tactile-stimulated startle response (TSR) of wood frog (Rana sylvatica), bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana), and American toad (Bufo americanus) tadpoles. One purpose was to rank species in terms of maximum acceleration performance. Also, I tested whether anatomical indicators of performanc...