Oxford Languages Who we are About Us Our history Annual report The way we work Working for OUP Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwidePrivacy...
“Toad in the hole”是一个古老的俚语,它的含义是指“陷在困境中”或者“处于非常糟糕的境地”。这个俚语常常用来形容一个人处于非常困难、尴尬或者糟糕的处境,无法轻易地摆脱或者解决。 关于这个俚语的来源,有一个流行的说法是它起源于 16 世纪的英格兰。当时,人们会在节日庆典或者其他特殊场合烤制一种名为“toa...
1 原材料都准备好,香肠码好,洋葱切小块,面粉称好,牛奶倒好,鸡蛋打散放一个大盆里,拿好一个手动打蛋器,烤箱预热225度,上下火 2 把洋葱块放在双耳烤盘里铺好,上面码香肠,然后撒上欧芹碎,倒上橄榄油,放进预热好的烤箱烤10分钟至香肠表面有点焦 3 烤香肠的时候可以混合这些面糊,Youtube上说牛奶,...
to write the book To write to To yield the breath toad toad frog toad juice toad lily Toad lizard Toad pipe toad rush Toad snatcher toad spit Toad spittle toadeater toadfish toadflax Toadhead toad-in-the-hole Toadish toadless Toadlet ...
单词 toad-in-the-hole 释义toad-in-the-hole noun[U]UKuk /ˌtəʊd.ɪn.ðəˈhəʊl/ us /ˌtoʊd.ɪn.ðəˈhoʊl/ adishmade withsausagescookedin amixtureofeggs,milk, andflour裹面烤香肠 bonchan/iStock/Getty Image Plus/GettyImages SMART Vocabulary: related ...
engineer-in-chief,engineering,engineership,engineman,engineroom,enginery,engine-scope,engird,engirdle,englacial, 相似单词 to this day,to turn out,to...extent,toa,toad,toad in the hole,toad-cake,toadeater,toadeating,toadfish, 英汉-汉英词典 ...
称为Toad in the Hole原因 Toad in the Hole名字的由来有许多不同说法。一种说法是,香肠嵌在面糊中的样子,仿佛「蟾蜍探出洞穴」。另一种说法则是,为了让起源于经济拮据年代的料理更吸引人,厨师们特意取了个幽默的名字。Toad in the Hole道地吃法 Toad in the Hole的经典搭配是烤肉滴汁制成的洋葱肉汁(...
toad-in-the-hole “toad-in-the-hole”的中文翻译 词典解释 美音:[ ] 英音:[ ] 名词n. 1. 【英】面拖烤香肠;烤面拖牛肉
读音:美英 toad in the hole基本解释 蟾蜍在洞 分词解释 toad蟾蜍,癞蛤蟆 hole洞,孔 toad in the hole是什么意思 toad in the hole怎么读 toad in the hole在线翻译 toad in the hole中文意思 toad in the hole的解释 toad in the hole的发音 toad in the hole意思是什么 toad in the hole怎么翻译 toad...
Toad in the Hole!; Buried-Alive Geoff Is Love Rat Who Dumped Us When We Were Pregnant, Say TWO Ex-LoversHUMAN mole Geoff Smith has been branded a cheating toad in the hole by TWO former lovers. ...Baldwin, Paul