(DE) 8602,8604,8606 Bionicle Toa Metru- Toa Nokama, Toa Onewa, Toa Nujo NEU&OVP¥2,070.08 +152.9% All regions For Sale(Used) (US) Used - Bionicle Komau Mask Medium Brown 47309 From 8604 Toa Onewa ¥85.32 (AU) Used - no instructions or canister. But I do have the canister ...
Nokama decides to investigate a panel with a map of northern Ga-Metru. Activity: The player must click on the sections of the map as they glow in the same order, to open a secret panel. Nokama reads Vhisola's journal: Now that Nokama has become a Toa, she has no time for me....
Similar sets Unknown Avoid Ultimate Dume 10202-1BionicleWarriors2004 Unknown Recomended The Ultimate BIONICLE Set 8711-1BionicleAccessories2004 77 Recomended Toa Vakama 8601-1BionicleToa Metru2004 64 Avoid Toa Nokama 8602-1BionicleToa Metru2004
Upon being transformed into Toa, the Toa Metru discovered these tools, and claimed them as their own. Jaller and his team claimed tools from six Toa Canisters[2] as their own when the Matoran found the canisters. These tools were transformed into Toa Tools by the Red Star when the Red ...
Initially the fashion will be included only masks 2001 (Toa Mata and Turaga), but then as a bonus will be added to mask the Toa Metru Toa Haga, Toa Mahri, and possibly custom masks. Most Rahi will also wear Kanohi that after the victory over them may be taken and use on yourself. ...
乐高(lego)-8912-1-Toa Mahri Hewkii。,由乐高官方发行于2007年 零件清单(34) 乐高(lego)套装#2007年 乐高(lego)套装#Toa Mahri Hewkii。-拼装图纸说明书(扫码免费获取) 乐高(lego)套装#Toa Mahri Hewkii。-零件清单(扫码免费获取) 零件清单列表PDF下载...
【乐高生化战士】美特吕战士 BIONICLE TOA METRU COMMERCIAL 39892021-7-19 00:47 【乐高生化战士】初代战士 BIONICLE TOA MATA COMMERCIAL 20512021-7-19 00:41 【乐高生化战士】魔兽战士 BIONICLE HORDIKA COMMERCIAL 21732021-7-19 00:37 【乐高生化战士】瓦奇军 BIONICLE VAHKI COMMERCIAL ...
Matoran native to Metru Nui, the Toa Inika of Earth, and is currently the Toa Mahri Se convirtió en el Toa Inika de la Tierra, y es actualmente el Toa Mahri de la Tierra. ParaCrawl Corpus The Toa Inika followed the Ignika, which transformed them into the Toa Mahri. Durante ...
The story begins with Toa Mahri Hahli at Metru Nui. Kopeke, the new Chronicler, comes to ask her about what happened in the Pit so he can record it. Hahli begins her story on Metru Nui, where Nuju was watching the dying stars and wondering about the fate of the Toa Nuva and the ...
2.Toa的主色调必须与对应的异者(Rahaga)相同,也就是Toa Metru的那六种颜色3.必须包含Toa Hagah的飞轮盾牌4.武器必须和Norik和Iruini一样,为长矛,且不能比官方set里的过长或过短5.四肢和躯干上的盔甲零件必须为“金属色”(如官方的暗金珍珠金,银色枪铁色等)且不能为普通颜色(红,黑,透明等)6.金属色零件...