g-factors and energy levels are described in the framework of a self-consistent cranked HFB calculation for the Er isotopes with mass number A = 158–170. We show that the backbending behavior and the g-factor, which is a measure of spin-alignment, are sensitive to the gradual change of...
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MainlandChinese and intemational visitors can choose their own Extra Magic (倍奇妙) when they book a visit to Hong Kong Disneyland through a travel ag ent(旅行社)。 中国大陆和国际游客可以选择加倍 奇妙通过旅行社预订。 故选D。 反馈 收藏 ...
一出门,便望见月下的平桥内泊着一只白篷的航船,大家 A 下船。双喜 B 前篙,阿发 C 后篙,年幼的都 p6i (甲) 我坐在舱中,较大的聚在船尾。母亲送出来吩咐“要小心”的时候,我们已经 D 开船,在桥石上一 E , F 后几尺,即又上前出了桥。于是 G 起两只 l( (乙) ,一支两人,一里一外,有说笑...
Tormaresca Torcicoda Primitivo del Salento I.G.T, Puglia, Italy 年份全部年份 NV 国内市场参考价:¥暂无价格信息 (NV年份) 产区 意大利 酒款综述 此款酒由瑞斯卡酒庄酿造而成,有着果香风味。 红酒世界APP 红酒知识大全,拍酒标查红酒 下载 猜你喜欢 2020年马赛多红葡萄酒 意大利 ...
GsSRK, a G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine protein kinase, is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to salt stress GsSRK , a G-type lectin S-receptor-like serine/threonine protein kinase, is a positive regulator of plant tolerance to salt stress[J] . Xiao-Li Sun... Xiao...
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Leading the way to a brighter future 来自 国家科技图书文献中心 喜欢 0 阅读量: 8 摘要: Located at Harima Science Park City to the west of Kobe, the Super Photon Ring 8 GeV (SPring-8) is the largest third-generation synchrotron in the world. Experiments at SPring-8 are leading to ...