I threw my arms around her in a sweaty victory embrace before peeling myself off the ground and walking with her to collect my finisher shirt. (For her part, she was plenty glow-y after working her way from the finish line through the masses to find me.) Along the way we passed a ...
Although she had become a public figure celebrated for her accomplishments, Mother Cabrini hated the spotlight and refused to allow her picture to be published in newspapers. By this stage in her life, she yearned for a retirement of peaceful contemplation, hoping to pass on the mission work t...
-arizona -ark -arkansas -arkla -arm -armco -armed -armonk -arms -arms-control -armstrong -army -arnold -arose -around -aroused -arrange -arranged -arrangement -arrangements -arranging -array -arrest -arrested -arrive -arrived -arrogant -arrow -art -arteries -artery -arthur -article -articles...
Keziah Daum, an 18-year-old student and artist from Utah in the United States, was accused of “culture appropriation” after she posted photos of her wearing cheongsam, a traditional Chinese dress also called Qipao, for a school prom on twitter. As of Thursday (May 10), the post has be...
Rhett.She laughed in soft excitement and spun about on her toes, her arms extended, her hoops tilting up to show her lace trimmed pantalets.His black eyes took her in from bonnet to heels in a glance that missed nothing, that old impudent unclothing glance which always gave her goose ...
i cant write it i cant feel you there i case i caught a cold i caught a ride on th i caught sight of her i celebrate myself i change myself i check the number i ching the book of c i chingking wen seque i choose a strapless i cieli tuonarono i climb the wallsyeah i close...
i wont keep u i wont write a note i work as a qc inspec i work careful i work for the goverm i work too i worry her i would act in my own i would be attracted i would be delighted i would be in your de i would be too i would do it i would end terrorism i would give ...
People already love these, so they can’t wait to see the movie. 3. Before people go and see a movie, they often check to see what others write or talk about it in the newspapers or on the websites. Also, people who love a movie will tell their friends how good it is. 4. ...
When you're writing a book, it's tempting to just dive in. But you'll save yourself time and write a better book if you write a premise before you start.
” Whether spoken by a prophet to a widow using the last of her oil and flour for her family’s last meal (1 Kings 17:7-16), to shepherds on a hillside (Luke 2:10) or a young woman confronted by an angel with amazing news (Luke 1:30) we are assured God is present with us....