to whom it may concern 范文to whom it may concern范文 Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing to you concerning a matter that requires immediate attention. Recently, I have come across an issue regarding the quality of the products that I have purchased from your company. I have been a loyal ...
1. 翻译与理解:在英文中,"towhomitmayconcern"是一种较为模糊但正式的称呼方式,常常出现在不确定具体收件人或需要向多个收件人传达信息的情境中。将其翻译为中文的“致有关人士”或“敬启者”,能够较好地传达出这种正式的、广泛的称呼意图。2. 正式场合的应用:在商务、正式文件或某些官方场合中,...
to whom it may concern 范文to whom it may concern 范文 摘要: 1.信件开头 2.自我介绍及写信目的 3.详细描述问题 4.提出解决方案及建议 5.期待回复及联系方式 6.信件结尾 正文: 尊敬的相关负责人: 您好!我是人工智能助手,非常高兴有机会为您提供帮助。我在此写信是想向您反映一个关于我们社区的问题,并...
1To whom it may concern,This letter describes the worst travel experience I have ever had.The problems we had were the result of poor management and thoughtless employees.Your airline should be ashamed of treating its customers so poorly.On January 5, we arrived in Denver from Houston and che...
在中文信件中,"towhomitmayconcern"通常被翻译为“致有关人士”或“敬启者”。这是一种较为正式的称呼,常用于不确定具体收件人或者需要向多个相关人士传达信息的场合。详细解释如下:1. 基本含义:这个短语在英文中是一种较为正式的商务书信中的称呼,意为“敬启者”或“致有关人士”。在国际交流...
to whom it may concern 范文 摘要: 1.引言:解释致信目的和背景 2.主体:阐述我国疫情防控成果和疫苗研发进展 3.主体:分析国际疫苗合作的重要性 4.主体:提出加强疫苗国际合作的建议 5.结尾:表达信心和期待 正文: 尊敬的各位: 在全球范围内,新冠病毒给人类社会带来了前所未有的挑战。在这场抗疫斗争中,我国政府...
在正式的邮件、书信、通告中,如不能确定具体收件人的身份或姓名,则可以用 “To whom it may concern” 来开头,它相当于汉语正式信件中的表达 “敬启者”、 “致有关人士”。 比如,如果一位顾客想给一家公司写投诉邮件,则可以用 “To whom it may concern” 来...
To whom it may concern, Dear Sir / Madam, I’d like to apply for the position which published on Zhaopin website. I’ve been working at HR Consultant Firm for more than 6 years, in the beginning of 3 years, as a receptionist work in the Shanghai office. I support all the ...
"To Whom It May Concern" 是一个英语表达,用于信件、通知和证明书等正式文档的开头,以表明写信人并不指定具体的收信人,而是希望收件人中任何与此事相关的人能够看到或处理。这个短语通常在你不清楚具体收信人姓名或认为收件人的范围广泛时使用。例如:在撰写正式信函时,标准格式建议以 "To whom it...
信件中的To whom it may concern意思是:敬启者。(读者身份不明时用在信件、通知和证明书开头的套语)To Whom It May Concern 作为受函人称谓常用于公/商务信函。英文信件还讲究明确具体的接收人姓名及身份。例:This paper puts forward a design calculating method for the determinationof the ...