The meaning of TURN ONE'S MIND TO is to direct one's attention to : to work on. How to use turn one's mind to in a sentence.
turn one‘s back upon 置之不理 turn one's back on sb. 不理睬某人,抛弃,背弃。例句:If you turn your back on the world,the word turns its back on you. turn one's head 回头;冲昏头脑;使某人满意 turn on one's heel v. 急向后转 turn one's toes in v.脚尖朝内 s out v.脚尖...
turn one's back to 有背弃、背对的意思. turn one's back on 是你说的这个意思没错结果一 题目 turn one's back to 他和turn one's back on 有什么区别?关于turn one's back to请举一个例子便于理解.注明:有这两个词组的,turn one's back on 是不理睬这个我知道 答案 turn one's back to 有...
你好 turn one's back to 从字面上解释,这是把自己的背对着某人。可是,实际上这是指根本不理会某人,或不肯给那个有困难的人任何帮助。有背弃、背对的意思。turn one's back on 是不理睬 希望对你有帮助
turn one's back to 指某人(one)不帮助、不理会,或背弃另一个人(to后面接的人)。
4 turn one's back to背[教材原句] In most places around the world, frowning and turning one's back to someone shows anger.(在世界上的大多数地方,皱眉或者背对某人都表示发怒。 )turn one's back on sb.拒绝帮助别人;背弃某人put one's back into 全力以赴turn a deaf ear to...对… …充...
turn one's attention to 开始关注;把注意力转移到... devote one's attention to v. 专心于 draw one's attention 引起某人注意 center one's attention on 把注意力集中在…… bring one's attention to 使某人注意… focus one's attention on 集中注意力于 relax one's attention 放松注意力,松懈...
【题目】核心短语turn one's back to背对;背弃;对… …置之不理In most places around the world, frowning and turning one's back to someone shows anger. (教 P3)在世界上大多数地方,皱眉和背对着某人都表示发怒。[短语记牢]记牢下列相关短语turn down拒绝;调低音量turn up出现;到场;调大音量turn out...
turn one's back to 背对;背弃;例句:1.Lf we take one back to earth, l can run more extensive tests.如果我们能带一个回地球,我能做更多的检验。2.Now it's back to executing on our plan.现在,我们该回头执行我们的计划了。
turn back to是指翻回,重新回到,如turn back to page 8(重新翻到第8页)。turn back on 是指不理睬,抛弃的意思。如I can’t turn my back on him when he needs help.(当他需要帮忙的时候我不能抛弃他)。希望有帮到你哦!