To the Wonder: Mit Yili Ma, Yiran Zhou, Yosh Yu, Qiming Jiang Das Han-Mädchen aus Altay träumt davon, Schriftstellerin zu werden, kehrt aber nach Hause zurück und entdeckt die Schönheit der Gegend.
语言: 汉语普通话 / 哈萨克语 首播: 2024-05-07(中国大陆) / 2024-04-07(戛纳电视剧节) / 2024-04-25(北京国际电影节) 集数: 8 单集片长: 45分钟 又名: To the Wonder 简介:该剧改编自作家李娟同名散文集。生长在阿勒泰的汉族少女李文秀(周依然 饰)一心在大城市中追求文学梦想,却屡屡碰壁被迫回到老家...
To the Wonder 状态:全8集 主演:马伊琍/周依然/于适/蒋奇明/闫佩伦/黄晓娟/阿力木江·吐尔斯拜克/阿丽玛/海拉提·哈木 导演:滕丛丛 年份:2024 地区:中国大陆 类型:剧情 频道:ju 上映:2024-04-07(戛纳电视剧节) / 2024-04-25(北京国际电影节)
D「2024 · 江苏苏州改编 A recent TV series(连续剧) To the Wonder has become China's breakout TV hit of the year. It has also won praise at a film festival abroad. To the Wonder is based on the award-winning novel of Li Juan, My Altay, and is directed by Teng Congcong. It is ...
(To the Wonder) China's new hit TV show To the Wonder has made Altay in the Xinjiang Uygur 1.(autonomy)region a new trendy tourism destination among young people, who are attracted by the breathtaking views and the simple ...
B(2024 ·苏州改编)《我的阿勒泰》热点速递 Arecent TV series To the Wonder has become China's breakout TV hit of the year. It has also won praise at a film festival abroad. To the Wonder is based on the award-winning novel of Li Juan. My Altay,and is directed by Teng Congcong. It...
5/2/2024 by Jennie Kermode China’s ‘To the Wonder’ Is a Politically Correct Tale of Multicultural Romance and Self-Discovery China’s video streamers, much like their counterparts in the west, have passed their peak growth phase and have been forced to refocus...
作者李娟出版于2010年的两篇散文集,原名是《阿勒泰的角落》和《我的阿勒泰》,后来17年的时候前者的法文翻译出版,名字叫《Sous Le Ciel De L'Altai》,意为“在阿勒泰的天空下”。我之前没听说过这个书,但当我第一次听说“我的阿勒泰”被译作“To The Wonder”的时候很惊奇,这个新名字给我的感觉是“去那未竟...
WonderCon 2024 Edit It looks like we don't have any technical specifications for this title yet.Be the first to contribute. Learn more Contribute to this page Suggest an edit or add missing content Top Gap What is the English language plot outline for Gay Geeks and Where to Find Them (20...
为什么《我的阿勒泰》英文是to the wonder 因为这里确实是理想之地 - 📍地点:新疆禾木📷时间:2024年5月25 #我把新疆拍给你看 #禾木村 #我的阿勒泰 #那是我一直想去的阿勒泰 #牧民生活 - 汤忆TANG于20240601发布在抖音,已经收获了155.2万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生