Free Download To the Moon APK Android Broken Link? Outdated Version? Report it! Want us to make a custom MOD for you? Visit our dedicated Forum! [APK] [50.9 MB] [v2.0] [GAME CACHE] [149.5 MB] [v2.0] OR [APK] [22.8 MB] [v1.5] [GAME CACHE] [148.5 MB] [v1.5] OR [APK+DAT...
去月球 To the Moon 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/冒险 平台: PC/Mac/iPhone/iPad/Android/Nintendo Switch/Linux/PS5/XSX 开发商: Freebird Games 发行商: Freebird Games 发行日期: 2011-11-01 豆瓣评分 9.0 21797人评价 5星 65.7% 4星 22.3%
And Johnny's last wish is, of course... to go to the moon. KEY FEATURES • A unique & non-combat story-driven experience • Innovative mix between adventure game elements and classic RPG aesthetics • Acclaimed original soundtrack that closely ties to the story ...
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去月球必买To the Moon Freebird Games 2011-11-01 8.18.5 独立 中文 华人 15想玩4在玩629玩过1534已购买7在关注 列表贡献点评 The ending isn’t any more important than any of the moments leading to it. Dr. Rosalene 简介 开发/发行 链接 ...
The story of "To the Moon" unfolds before players, much like a movie. While the entire game has no battle system and can be completed in a few hours, the compelling story and moving original soundtrack resonated with players worldwide. On top of receiving overwhelmingly positive ratings, "...
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2025-02-16 北山 2025-02-15 波浪与海 开头就把煽情调性拉满搞得我警钟大作,果然…好土的boy meets girl配上催眠的游戏过程,评价是不如韩剧。 2025-02-15 stardust (苏州) 2025-02-15 早睡早起 2025-02-15 后页> > 返回 去月球 To the Moon 类别:游戏 / 冒险 ©...
【GAL无关推荐】又..《去月球》的游戏时长3小时+ 今天一下午打完了,小半杯眼泪虽然早在11月份汉化完成,不过还是在这里推荐给感情细腻的galgamer中间有一段是英文,自备词典,剧情不要跳看,否则会出现理解偏差大小84m
switch《去月球 To the Moon》游戏攻略-主要特色内容分享,《去月球 To the Moon》是一款以剧情为主的游戏,画面制作虽然是卡通绘画风格,但是也能够让玩家沉浸在游戏中。 画面音效:《去月球》保留了原版的像素风格,并高清化重制了一个全新的游戏画面,看起来清新,唯美。小编虽然不是很喜欢像素风,但是配合着游戏的剧情...