根据“Two of the most famous silent films ever made were the French science fiction film A Trip to the Moon (1902) and the American film The Great Train Robbery (1903).”可知,电影《月球之旅》和《火车大劫案》是无声电影;又根据“The silent film that made the most money ever was The ...
A Trip to the Moon (1902) Victor André: Astronomer - NostradamusShowing all 6 items Jump to: Photos (6) Photos See also Release Dates | Official Sites | Company Credits | Filming & Production | Technical Specs A Trip to the Moon Details Full Cast and Crew Release Dates Official ...
月球旅行记(1902)🌔A-TRIP-TO-THE-MOON û收藏 2 1 ñ80 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候...3 公司 日冕博物馆 Ü 简介: 日冕博物馆 / 黑暗与光明永存 / 投稿推广详见私信菜单 更多a 微关系 她的关注(266) 微博积分 姚弛Zeawo ...
A Trip to the Moon (1902)and the American filmThe Great Train Robbery (1903)." 可知,电影《月球之旅》和《火车大劫案》是无声电影。又根据右上框中 "The silent film that made the most money ever wasThe Birth of a Nation (1915)…" 可知,《一个国家的诞生》这部电影也是一部无声电影,故三者...
根据左上框中“Twoof the most famous silent films ever made were the French science fiction film A T rip to the Moon (1902) and the American film T he Gre at T rain Robbery(1903)."可知,电影 《月球之 旅》 和 《火车大劫案》 是无声电影。 又根据右上框 中"T he silent film th...
月球旅行记高清在线免费观看,月球之旅,A Trip to the Moon 好看的冒险电影高清在线免费观看,月球旅行记简介:天文学院院长(乔治·梅利斯饰演)在一次会议上提出了一项登月的...
上映:1902-09-01(法国) 语言:无对白 更新:2024-11-18 12:02 豆瓣:9.2 简介:天文学院院长(由Georges Méliès饰演)在一次会议上提出了一个奇特的月球旅行计划。他和其他五位大胆的天文学家监督了炮弹室和大炮的生产,并在军方的帮助下,成功地登上了月球。兴奋之后,六位天文学家在月球表面疲惫地睡着了,他们没有...
#刻在石头上# Shoot me to the moon and let me play amond the stars. 1902年9月1日,人类历史上第一部真正意义上的科幻电影——《月球之旅》上映。该片由乔治·梅里爱执导,根据儒勒·凡尔纳的小说《从地球到月球》和威尔斯的小说《第一个到达月球上的人》改编。梅里爱采取神话剧的传统风格,表现了一群天文...
Movies from the U.S., India, South Korea, Senegal, Italy, and more make up an impressive list of Scorsese's favorite films, including "A Trip to the Moon," "Pearl," "Diary of a Country Priest," and more. By Wilson Chapman July 15, 2024 1:30 pm ...