What is the synonym of Detention Synonym of Detention is Apprehension, Arrest, confinement, constraint, custody, detainment, detention on remand, hindrance, Hold, imprisonment, internment, jail sentence, preventive custody, Prison, prison sentence, prison term, Quarantine, remand, restraint, seizure, ...
Display ON Animation ON Legend Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> righteousnessvicesinfulnessiniquityimmoralitysinalleviatedisserviceimpairmentdetrimentmischiefdamagedistresshurtilldamagesufferinginjuryblemishimpairspoilmarruindamagecureill-uselay a finger onmaltreatill-treatinjureharm all verb noun phrase Syno...
Synonym of Deter isCaution,Check,daunt, discourage,disincline,Hinder, impede, intimidate,repel, restrain, scare away, scare off,Stop,Warn, dissuade. What is the definition of Deter. Definition of Deter is turn away from by persuasion.
often to the detriment of clarity. Over-complicated language makes philosophy less accessible. When you’re writing a philosophy thesis, strip your sentences down to their bare bones. Not only will this make it easier for your readers, but it will also make it clear that you know what you’...
Political extremism started to dominate Transnistria, becoming a “norm”, to the detriment of pluralism of opinion and dialogue 政治极端主义开始在外涅斯特里亚占上风,成了一种“规范”,这有害意见的多元化和对话。 MultiUn Political extremism started to dominate Transnistria, becoming a “norm”, to...
This view is very convenient, is particularly successful among European sociologists eager to expand to the detriment of political scientists, and for this very reason goes a long way towards explaining the persistent lag of political science in Europe....
We might call that “ordinary business competition”, but might find it a challenge to describe qualitatively why performing a job that someone else has traditionally performed (to the detriment of that person’s income) is a more legitimate kind of competition than making copies of a work that...
the change of which rights may only be to the detriment of another, they are the rights that define estates, sovereignty, gravity, offices, and their compe- tences, the description of which makes up the fundamental Constitution of the Government".30 The concept of the constitution was sometimes...
lead to the end of See Also What is the past tense of lead to the end of? Use ourSynonym Finder Nearby Words
Bara became known for her ability to make being bad look good, much to the detriment of her desire to stretch herself as a performer. Considering how her attempts to play ingenues and upright action heroines were met with audience disinterest, it can be assumed moviegoers got a vicarious ...