The meaning of TO THE DETRIMENT OF is in a way that is harmful to (someone or something). How to use to the detriment of in a sentence.
Another objective of this website is to add dimensions of understanding and depth to the trilogy. Hopefully this additional information will increase the enjoyment and meaning to the reading experience. 6. DO’s & DON’Ts Please do not read any chapter here ahead of reading them in the books...
Detention meaning in Urdu is باب رکھنا - baab rakhna. What is the synonym of Detention Synonym of Detention is Apprehension, Arrest, confinement, constraint, custody, detainment, detention on remand, hindrance, Hold, imprisonment, internment, jail sentence, preventive custody,...
commitments,tothe detrimentofthesecurityinterestsofaffected States. 造成裁军谈判会议僵局的第二个原因是,一些国家在核合作领域中实行歧视 性政策,这些国家公然违背国际不扩散制度和自己的国际承诺,危害了受影响国家的安全利益。
The meaning of TO THE EXCLUSION OF is in a way that excluded (someone or something). How to use to the exclusion of in a sentence.
the struggle between good and poor literature is Darwinian, the knockabout heartiness sounds the theme of muscular Christianity, and Moore's accusation that “Mr Mudie possesses a monopoly, and he cannot be allowed to used that monopoly to the detriment of all interests but his own” is straigh...
The detriment to you, unsurprisingly, is the cost. Without an attorney, a patent application by itself will end up being around $1,00. With an attorney that figure quickly pushes into the thousands and, depending on the complexity and type of product—such as software—could be tens of ...
Economists often tie the overall health of the economy with the health of the financial sector. If financial companies are weak, this is a detriment to the average consumer. Financial companies provide loans for businesses, mortgages to homeowners, and insurance to consumers. If these activities ar...
In this article, we analyse the role that artificial intelligence (AI) could play, and is playing, to combat global climate change. We identify two crucial opportunities that AI offers in this domain: it can help improve and expand current understanding of climate change, and it can contribute...
I began to grow melancholy and restless; continually prying into my mind, to discover which of its poor properties were gone, and what degree of detriment had already accrued to the remainder. I endeavored to calculate how much longer I could stay in the Custom-House, and yet go forth a ...