And of course, it also appears as a form of the verb scarf, meaning to eat voraciously: It scarfs down electricity like a football team at a hot dog eating contest. [NDTV] Betty is clearly unhappy as she scarfs down her daughter’s leftovers (after finishing her own, of course). [...
:the numberthrownwith a cast of dice c :a method of throwing an opponent in wrestling or judo 2 :the distance a missile may be thrown or light rays may be projected 3 a :a light coverlet (as for a bed) b :a woman's scarf or light wrap ...
WordMeaning banda strip of fabric worn around the head glama style of fashion that is luxurious and extravagant plaida pattern of intersecting stripes scarfa long piece of fabric worn around the neck or head waistthe area around the middle of the body ...
the true meaning the true quality of a the truest characters the truest politeness the trusted platform the truth about catsd the truth about jane the truth about julie the truth abrocky cat the truth carefully c the truth is i still the truth is never fa the truth is that man the tru...
a plan of the peace u a plastic case is com a plate or plaque as a plead the company l a pleasant taste a plot with blood a plug a pocket manual of cl a poet to his beloved a point of view a pointed nose a pointer rotating 36 a political model a political scientist a political...
> I gave her a book for her birthday. Give someone something to…: This implies a purpose for giving. > I gave him a map to find the restaurant. Give someone something as a…: This identifies the type of gift being given. > I gave her a scarf as a thank-y...
Affect is usually a verb meaning "to produce an effect upon," as in "the weather affected his mood." Effect is usually a noun meaning "a change that results when something is done or happens," as in "computers have had a huge effect on our lives." There are exceptions, but if you...
It adds a bit of drama, a touch of personality. It's the equivalent of adding a stylish scarf to your outfit. But here's the kicker: sometimes, we don't need to explicitly state our purpose at all! Implied meaning is a powerful tool. Context is king, my friends. The sentence "I ...
1. (Textiles) (often foll by: around, about, or upon) to turn or coil (string, cotton, etc) around some object or point or (of string, etc) to be turned etc, around some object or point: he wound a scarf around his head. 2. (tr) to twine, cover, or wreathe by or as if...
From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishbelong to somebody/something phrasal verb1 if something belongs to someone, they own it The book belongs to Dan. Who does this scarf belong to?2 to be a member of a group or organization He belongs to the golf club.3 to be related to somethin...