I had other errands to run in Lugo but I didn’t feel like it now. I got in the car and called Jeff. He talked to me for the drive home until I pulled into the gate. I didn’t really want to freak out. But it felt weird. Immediately upon my arrival to the farm, I petted ...
1.(general) a.conduce el coche (Spain) My husband and I share a car. He drives the car to work every day while I take the train. I use it on the weekends to run errands.Mi esposo y yo compartimos un coche. Conduce el coche al trabajo cada día mientras yo tomo el tren. Lo us...
2. dozens An indefinite, large number: dozens of errands to run. adj. Twelve. [Middle English dozeine, from Old French dozaine, from doze, twelve, ultimately from Latin duodecim : duo, two; see dwo- in Indo-European roots + decem, ten; see dekm̥ in Indo-European roots.] doz′en...
There is a direct train from Athenry to Galway city. Train stop is walking distance to the house (10 min) Whenever we can we can drive to the stop to pick you up especially on rainy days or even take you to Galway on weekends or days off as we often go to run errands and Visit ...
Sign In to explore Official Speechify partnership Featured In LISTEN ANYWHERE iOS ANDROID CHROME EXTENSION WEB APP MAC APP Let Speechify read to you while you commute, exercise, and run errands. Breeze through PDFs, books, articles, emails — anything. ...
A new Ford Taurus, pictured here, will run you about $40,000, Conan’s is incalculably valuable. The time Brad Pitt dropped the clutch and peeled out of an NYC parking spot in the almost 30-year-old Taurus crowned its immeasurable worth with celebrity added-value. Taking...
This Spanish-language show zigs and zags all over the place, with flash-backs and time jumps to keep you on your toes. You even have to be concerned with the ol' "unreliable narrator" conceit, which adds even more intrigue. The series has ended, so you can binge it all now! Cast: ...
I flew into Cabo San Lucas on August 5. Had to renew my visa before it expired on the 9th. I spent my time relaxing around the pool, walking around town in the evenings when it cooled off (slightly) and trying to practice my Spanish. Went SCUBA diving one day and would have gone ...
During those exploratory weeks, they tried to live as locals would, running errands, buying groceries, and keeping tourist trips to a minimum. While the couple expected to settle on a beach near the coast, they ultimately decided on a city in the mountains, nestled between the airport and a...
“There’s one shopping center I can’t even go to anymore, just because it was right next to the hospital,” Madeline says. “And the times that I had to run errands over there to get stuff were pretty horrible.” Adapting to life without Jim has been a tough process for Madeline, ...