To condone policies that the profession knows will compromise health—or to remain silent and look away—is to be complicit in putting population health at risk. How do we know where to draw the line, and when it is time to resist? The touchstone must be science, the evidence from ...
Innocent survivors that should never be ashamed and fearful. However, the ever-silent and complicit Vatican officials’ feeble responses indicate their unwillingness to properly deal with the pedophilia that runs rampant in their institution. It’s essential for all survivors to fight back against any...
her husband would be deeply complicit in the abuse and the suffering if he did not stand up and oppose her.It is the Irish Catholic Church hierarchy that has deserted people who deserved better than the moral cowardice and disgusting prevarication they have too often received from those in powe...
This is why I do things the way I do things. Many allies rebuke performative allyship and call out those who are performing it…but I do not. I keep it silent and I approve, in the same way I approve the children on the playground who perform for me and want to be seen and recogn...
Francesca, unwilling to appear complicit in what she viewed as immoral behavior, refused to admit these children. This ignited a firestorm of protest, leading to threats and acts of violence that deeply unsettled her and the nuns. However, the protestors had no idea of the resoluteness of ...
And the SSL “lock” you’ve been teaching users to check may not be as locked as it once appeared. The warning issued by Ladar Levison, who shut down his Lavabit email service last month, still rings in my ears: I have been forced to make a difficult decision: to become complicit ...
For those of you who stay silent while your Jewish neighbours are revisiting the trauma of the Holocaust (and of Oct. 7) through daily antisemitic attacks, you are complicit. We often see organizations like the United Nations marking International Holocaust Remembrance Day while simultaneously ...
her husband would be deeply complicit in the abuse and the suffering if he did not stand up and oppose her.It is the Irish Catholic Church hierarchy that has deserted people who deserved better than the moral cowardice and disgusting prevarication they have too often received from those in powe...
More than half of the time of my course had passed before I finally ventured inside the slaughter hall to be able to say: “I’ve seen it.” Here is the end of the circle which started with the unloading ramp and the dismal corridor with capacity for 4 or 5 pigs. If I had to ...
And while David Frodsham is currently serving out his term in prison, the people employed by the State of Arizona and tasked with protecting Arizona foster children, who ignored complaints against the Frodshams for years, have not...