Snow plow drivers have limited visibility so don’t assume your vehicle is in view. Maintain a safe distance behind the snowplow. Plows aren't just removing snow, they may also be spreading sand or deicer on the road. Never try to pass a snow plow during a white out. Most of the time...
Not only does it prevent that laboured pedalling-through-treacle feeling, but it's also considerably quieter and doesn't chew through tyres like kids doing skids. Be aware that budget trainers don't always come with a cassette, so you'll need to factor that into the cost. The top-...
Maintain A Safe Following Distance In addition to slowing down, you should allow more distance between your vehicle and the vehicle in front of you. It is safest to triple your following distance so that you're able to stop your vehicle without running into the vehicle in front of you. Don...
Reduce speed: Slow down and maintain a safe following distance to allow for unexpected stops or skids on slippery roads. Avoid distractions: Keep your focus on the road and eliminate any distractions, such as using your phone or adjusting the stereo. Find a safe spot: If the storm becomes t...
According to the US Department of Transport, approximately70% of weather-related road crashesoccur on wet roads. Apart from speeding on wet roads, tailgating another car could cause an accident due to a reduced stopping time when the car skids. ...
Prevent electrical shocks, falling items and damage to materials. Do not attach items or equipment to the drapes or metal framework provided for your booth. This can cause serious injury or damage to materials. We discourage children from being in the exhibit hall during installation and dismantle...
Government stall tests are not made with slips or skids.While the old saw of slips being good and skids being bad may be true, it is only partially true.A stall that occurs in a slip or skid may occur at a higher speed than expected. Any deflection of the ailerons will increase the...
The compost will settle over time and you will need to back fill the hole a bit. Have some neighborhood kids tear it down for you but make sure you back fill the hole to prevent someone from falling in. A local sand and gravel company can help on that. Take pictures and email them ...
If possible, create a safe haven for them. Protect children from onlookers and the media covering the story. When possible, direct children who are able to walk away from the site of violence or destruction, away from severely injured survivors, and away from continuing danger. Kind but firm...
William Shatner's cover of Lucy, spoken as if in alarmed supplication before a highly advanced alien life-form (his approximation of psychodelia), is worth the price of replacing your CD player, which will have to be taken away for environmentally safe disposal. The misheard lyrics at the ...