”Jerry Lee Lewissaid, deliberately. Having just done a show, he was sweating, stripped to the waist and balancing precariously on a rickety wooden chair in the wine cellar of a would-be honky-tonk on New York’s Upper East Side. Some well-meaning but inexperienced promoters had commandeered...
meaning meanly meant meantime meany meat meathead meatloaf meaty mecca mechanic medal medaled meddle meddled meddling media medial mediate mediated medic medicate medicated medicine medico medieval meditate meditated meditative medium medley meek meet meeting meetup mega megabit megabyte megahit megaplex ...
”Jerry Lee Lewissaid, deliberately. Having just done a show, he was sweating, stripped to the waist and balancing precariously on a rickety wooden chair in the wine cellar of a would-be honky-tonk on New York’s Upper East Side. Some well-meaning but inexperienced promoters had commandeered...