Anne Bradstreet,1612-1672, 安妮小时候,爸爸培养她看书,16岁嫁人后 生了8个孩子的家庭主妇。却是美国的第一位诗人 也是第一位女诗人。在那个清教徒,父制社会里,女人要求能解读圣经,但是不能在公共场合发表自己的意见,不能表现出来比男人有文化,但是她在孩子睡下后 偷偷写诗,在38岁的时候,匿名出版。这首诗 ...
Anne Bradstreet,1612-1672, 安妮小时候,爸爸培养她看书,16岁嫁人后 生了8个孩子的家庭主妇。却是美国的第一位诗人 也是第一位女诗人。在那个清教徒,父制社会里,女人要求能解读圣经,但是不能在公共场合发表自己的意见,不能表现出来比男人有文化,但是她在孩子睡下后
not knowing one day she would be the famous female American poet she is today. Even with eight children, Anne Bradstreet found time to express her interests and views by writing in her poetry journal. Out of all her many poems, ‘To My Dear and Loving Husband’ stuck out as, one with...
“To My Dear and Loving Husband” by Anne Bradstreet. Public Domain. Today is the birthday of the poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow , born in Portland, Maine (1807). He entered Bowdoin College at the age of 15, and one of his classmates was Nathaniel Hawthorne; the two would remain lifelong...
AnneBradstreetwasbornAnneDudleyin1612inEngland.ShemarriedSimonBradstreetwhenshewas16.ThemeninAnneBradstreet'sfamilyweremanagersandpoliticians.BothherfatherandherhusbandbecameMassachusettsgovernors.Herhusband,Simon,oftentraveledforweeksthroughoutthecolonyasitsadministrator. AnneBradstreet'spoem,"ToMyDearandLovingHusband...
1、Anne Bradstreet,To my dear and loving Husband,contents,Pictures Translation appreciation Background of this poem Features of this poem Influence of Puritanism,To my dear and loving HusbandAnne Bradstreet,If ever two were one,then surely we. If ever man were loved by wife, then thee; (you...
In this poem "Before the Birth of One of Her Children" by Anne Bradstreet talks about everything in this world one day coming to an end, and how joy is often related to grief. In the reading it talks about how death can come in between any person and their love. The poet is wonder...
... Bradstreet also prayed for God to reward other people : " The heavens reward thee [husband] manifold, I pray" (To my Dear and Loving Husband"10). Bradstreet was praying to God to reward her husband abundantly for loving her. ... Anne Bradstreet's compassion for her children and ...
To My Dear And Loving Husband Poem by Anne BradstreetTo My Dear And Loving Husband Rating: ★3.7 Autoplay If ever two were one, then surely we. If ever man were lov'd by wife, then thee. If ever wife was happy in a man, Compare with me, ye women, if you can. I prize ...