The meaning of MAKE IT UP TO (SOMEONE) is to do something helpful or good for (someone one has hurt or treated wrongly). How to use make it up to (someone) in a sentence.
The meaning of UP TO is —used as a function word to indicate extension as far as a specified place. How to use up to in a sentence.
Make it up to的英文解释为: to do something good for someone because you upset them。翻译为中文的意思是“弥补、补偿(某人)”。参考例句: I know I’ve behaved badly and I’ve upset you but I’llmake it up toyou, I promise.(我知道我表现得很差劲,并让你难过了。但我...
M: No, not really. This phrase -- to hit the sack -- has a pretty limited meaning. L:哟,to hit the sack只能指去睡觉,别的地方还不能用!那要是我午想睡个午睡,能不能说:I want to hit the sack? M: No, it's usually used to talk about going to bed at night, after a long day...
When you say that you've got a boned pick with someone, it's quite a serious idiomatic expression meaning you've got an issue you need to raise with them. 当你说你对某人有意见时,这是一个相当严肃的惯用表达,意思是你有问题需要向他们提出。 You've got a problem, something you need to ...
Unit 3make-up /'merk Ap/n. substances used especially by women to make their faces look more attractive, or used by actors to change their appearance化 品*ideal /ar'di:al/ adj. perfect; most suitable 完 ;;的broad /bro:d/ adj. wide;short-sighted /,[o:t'saitid/ adj. able to se...
鲁教版七下Unit 2 I'm going to study computer science.单词表 1. grow up /'grəʊʌp/ 长大;成熟;成长 2. computer programmer 计算机程序;设计员;编程人员 3. cook /kʊk/ n.& v.厨师;烹饪;煮 4. doctor /ˈ...
c. To consider as being: wasn't the problem some people made it. 19. a. To constitute: They make a great team. b. To add up to: Two and two make four. c. To amount to: makes no difference. 20. To cover (a distance): made 200 miles before sunset 21. To constitute the es...
15. to judge as to the truth, nature, or meaning of: What do you make of that remark? 16. to estimate; reckon: I make the value at $1000. 17. to put together; form: to make a matched set. 18. to amount to; total: Two plus two makes four. 19. to provide: That book makes...
Now, let me tell you, in this video, I'll give you the idea, I'll explain how it works, and give you five practical tips to make it work for you so that in the end you'll understand a better way to learn English so you can become a confident speaker of English.现在,让我告诉...