True Beauty is a popular manhwa that combines self-image, young love, friendship, and self-exploration. The story revolves around Lim Joo-kyung, a high schooler with low self-esteem and acne issues. Her life takes a 180-degree turn when she masters the art of makeup. As she navigates te...
Here, you’ll be able to find something to scratch that adrenaline itch, and action anime is where it is at! If you likedOne Punch Man,Boku no Hero Academia(My Hero Academia), andBerserk, then this is the best place to be! Get ready for some high octane experiences! Best Action Anim...
I got introduced to this series from its manhwa, (which has god tier art btw). But just a disclaimer, I just read the MTL so it took a bit of effort to read, but I love how they fall in love with each other. The way it happens, and their twisted intimacy. I also really love...
this Korean comic starts off with a very cliché enemy but soon enough it starts to develop into more complex and dark storytelling, creating a really compelling plot, with even more interesting characters who also happen to have great chemistry. For anyone looking to read this Manhwa, it is ...
If you have yet to check this one out, it is somewhere in the vein ofHinamatsuriandMob Psycho 100, so if you enjoy manga like these,The Disastrous Life of Saiki most likely right up your alley. One thing I love aboutThe Disastrous Life of Saiki its pacing. It’s really...
Solo Leveling: ARISE is a fantastic homage to the original Solo Leveling manhwa, faithfully retelling the story of Sung Jinwoo's journey through an immersive experience—as if you were Sung Jinwoo himself. The game is very well-made and clearly done with a lot of love. There was so ...
Oh sweetie, didn’t your mother ever tell you never to pick up unidentifiable objects? Given the sky-high expectations for the Korean remake of a most-beloved Taiwanese romantic comedy, I was fully prepared for either possibility when it came toFated To Love You: this show would disappoint ...
Meanwhile, you can watch the incredibly talented actress inMy Demonon Netflix, and inChicken Nuggeton the same platform. Did you miss these... December 15, 2024 Love Your Enemy Ep 7 earns highest Saturday night rating December 15, 2024...
There are a great many types of myths that exist in out world. You May Also Like: Why People Love The Fantasy Genre? Myths exist as a form of telling us who we are, where we come from, what we are meant to do in the world, and they also exist simply because they are fun godda...
Girls’ Love plot erased from the drama Jeongnyeon: The Star Is Bornis based on the webtoonJeong Nyeon, which was written by Seo Irae and illustrated by Namon. Sadly, the Korean drama adaptation has removed the Girls’ Love (GL) plot, and the main GL character/love interest, and re...