根据下一句Skilled at putting up shelves and piecing together furniture, she never pays someone else to do a job she cando herself.她擅长搭架子和拼装家具,她自己能做的工作从不付钱给别人做。由此可推断出她是一个DIY 能手,dab hand 能手,行家,be skilled at sth 擅长做某事。C选项specialist专家,...
When you say that you've got a boned pick with someone, it's quite a serious idiomatic expression meaning you've got an issue you need to raise with them. 当你说你对某人有意见时,这是一个相当严肃的惯用表达,意思是你有问题需要向他们提出。 You've got a problem, something you need to ...
因为透过进行这类谈话,你能够更深入了解和你想法不同的人。 And who knows, maybe you'll convince someone of a belief that you hold dearly, or maybe you'll even be moved to reconsider your own viewpoint. 谁知道呢,也许,你能用你真心相信的理念说服某人,或者,也许你甚至会被打动而重新思考你自己的...
"I coulda", you may sometimes see this written down if someone's written down what somebody said, sounded like "coulda", you might see that in writing, but usually you will hear it when people are speaking. And because of this one, unfortunately, there's a terrible mistake that people...
In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down原文与直译when talking to an older person.LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK在日本,当你和年长的人说话时,低头则是对长辈表倾听身体如何说话示尊重。We use both words and body language to express词句自测our thoughts and opinions in our interactions with ...
Eric Brown, only three years old, knocked Henry down when he fell. The boy is in the hospital and doctors say he'll be OK. ___37___Brown family live in an apartment building outside Toronto. On the day of the accident, M...
题目In Japan, it may demonstrate respect to look down原文与直译when talking to an older person.LISTENING TO HOW BODIES TALK在日本,当你和年长的人说话时,低头则是对长辈表倾听身体如何说话示尊重。We use both words and body language to express词句自测our thoughts and opinions in o...
在许多国家,摇头表示之下close we stand to someone we are talking to, and how we act“不”,点头表示“是”。相比之 have the opposite下,在保加利亚和阿尔巴尼亚南meaning 有正好相反when we meet or part. In countries like France and Russia,的含义people may kis their friends on the cheek@ when ...
Now, social media, okay, I mean, going on YouTube to look for a quick answer sometimes is great.现在,社交媒体,好吧,我的意思是,有时候上 YouTube 寻找快速答案是很好的。But when it comes to learning a language, it's not something you can do effectively quickly.但当涉及到学习一门语言...
The meaning of KEEP is to retain in one's possession or power. How to use keep in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Keep.