5. level(stage, proficiency): level ravenf 6. level(social, intellectual, moral): level nivom 7. level(perspective, meaning): level ravenf 8. level(instrument): level libelaf III .lev·el<-ll- [orAmusu-l-]>[ˈlevəl]VBtrans ...
to become an integral to believe on meaning to believe that thing to blackmail to block senders to boost the signal p to born dying to break free to break in on to break out to erupt to breathe in to suck to broaden the brand to build a well-off s to cancel or revoke m to carry...
在伍尔弗汉普顿学校(Royal Wolverhampton School)作交流教师一年,曾获浙江省高中英语课堂教学评比一等奖,衢州市高中英语课堂教学评比一等奖第一名,多次在省市范围开设示范课和讲座,主持与参与多个市级课题并获奖,多篇论文发表在核心期刊或获奖,参编多本教材...
激励人心的高级英语词汇 Advanced Vocabulary- Words to INSPIRE Hey everyone I'm Emma!Welcome to another mmmEnglish lesson.大家好啊,我是Emma!欢迎来到另一节Emma的美味英语课程!Now I know that many of you are desperate to expand your vocabulary and start using more sophisticated English words so...
In today's competitive talent landscape, organizations are seeking to elevate the entire employee experience to attract and retain top talent. But what happens when your employees struggle to find meaning and purpose at work? You are not alone. Employees everywhere feel disengaged at work. ...
In 2018, Baer's pochards, a species under first-class national protection, were spotted at Baiyangdian for the first time. And in July 2022, the birds were observed brooding at the lake for the first time, meaning it has become a breeding area for the species. ...
Trend Recap: "Limited time only" takes on a new meaning with this trending sound. Use it to show your followers what has you racing to beat the clock. Audio: Original audio - realliamsilk Current # of Posts: 9.6K PRO TIP: Schedule Instagram Reels in advance with Later's scheduling to...
If you can increase productivity in managing contracts, you can get deals signed faster and free up time to deal with other business matters. During the contract life cycle, the steps involved with processing require multiple tasks and usually include individuals from several departments. The exact...
Everyone has to reread a sentence or a paragraph now and then, if they get tired or distracted. In my case, I lost the flow of meaning almost every sentence, sometimes several times. Meticulously rereading each semi-understood sentence would take forever, and I was already so slow, so tha...
At the “SEW What” Costume Design Pop-up Shop hosted by Junyetta Seale, haute couture designer in Pittsburgh PA. Location: Emerald City Pittsburgh "Genius Is Common Among Us" “The Genius is CommonTMMovementis about tearing down theBerlin Wallof the word genius.”— Bruce George, Founder ...