gerund 其实仲可以用系 动词之后... e.g. I prefer travelling to France. I love eating ice-cream. 呢个用法同'to infinitive' 既意思相同... 意即指我上面举个两例亦可用'to infinitive' 黎代替。 I prefer to travel to France/ I love to eat ice-cream. 意思无改变...参考: 自己... 什么时候用动名词or不定式?GERUND (-ing) or INFINITIVE (to) - When & How to Use them! 英语学习 知识 校园学习Simon英语 发消息 跟着Simon学英语。精选全球最好的英语课程和资源,官网同步,关注一家顶10家。LUCY 英语 TED 等精品合集,都放一起了 (29/148) 自动连播 8.7万播放简介 订阅合集...
You may have been confused with the grammatical structures between Infinitive and Gerund.An infinitiv...
你是否知道Gerund和Infinitive的用法吗? 据我所知,它们有两种分别, 一是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(不同的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infinitives (Different Meaning); 二就是我们用动词跟随着Gerunds或Infinitives(相似的意思),也就是Verbs Followed By Gerunds Or Infin...
to infinitives涉将要或在进行的行动 总而言之,to infinitives涉及一个将要或正在进行的行动。 动词 “start” 和 “continue”后面有时可改用另一个形式表达,就是以动名词 (gerund -ing form)代替to + infinitive。例如: He started talking but no one was listening. She continued...
gerund is a noun in the form of a PRESENT PARTICIPLE that describes an action or experience such as "shopping"in the sentence "I go shopping".=VERBAL NOUN to -infinitive is the basic form of a verb such as "be""make"or "go"usually used with "to" in the form to be to...
Three factors are proposed as being relevant to explaining the issues: (1) the meaning and function of the gerund﹑articiple, (2) the meaning and function of the to﹊nfinitive, and (3) the meaning of the main predicate. The findings of this study are in line with those of previous ...
Hi THE INFINITIVE VERBS NORMALLY FOLLOWED BY THE INFINITIVE A. The to-infinitive is used after the verbs in this group without a preceding noun. The verbs marked * can also be followed by a 'that-clause' Example: VERB TO-INFINITIVE I hope... to see you next week. THAT- ...
(gerund) 2) + to (to infinitive) 3) 不变 (bare infinitive) 考动词不变 (即第3款) 多数考你两个字: make let: I make you ___(cry). I let you ___(go). 以上两个答案都系照抄 因为 make/let 后动词不变 至于洗唔洗背表 其实好简单 你只有认得gerund 或 inf...
可能 hahatse 君解释得未够清楚,我在此画蛇添足。 gerund 之前的 to系用作 preposition 唔系 infinitive,唔好混淆。所以 个 verb + ing当名词用,而佢之前phrase嘅 verb (or verb to be)有些一定要加 preposition 才可以 (这是要多用才明)。 如 refer to,look forward to,mit to,devoted...