网络被开除 网络释义 1. 被开除 Actions Language 易森语言 - ML -... ... to get a promotion 升迁to get the sack被开除to take early retirement 提早退休 ...|基于2个网页 释义: 全部,被开除
But equally, history shows that once the magic has gone in football, it is very hard to get it back (look at Inter in 1966-67, dominant and seemingly en route to a treble only abruptly to lose form, winning only two of their final 11 games of the season to end up with n...
What Do You Have to Do to Get the Sack?Byline: GEORGE TYNDALESunday Mercury (Birmingham, England)
to hit the sack —就寝;上床睡觉! to hit the sack是指去睡觉,sack在这里是指床,hit是去床上睡觉的意思。注意:能不能说 to hit the chair?to hit the sack只能指去睡觉,别的地方不能用!当然,还有同学会问可不可以形容午睡?答案当然是No!to hit the sack只能指一天工作和学习后晚上去睡觉。 【例句】...
"Hit the sack"是一个英语习语,用于表示某人准备去睡觉或上床休息。虽然确切的来源并不确定,但有几种可能的解释。 一种解释是该短语源于航海时代。在船上,水手们通常会把他们的床单(也称为“sack”)悬挂在甲板上,以便晾干或保持干燥。当水手们完成了一天的工作后,他们会打开绳索并让床单“落下”到舱室中,表示...
What does the underlined expression “give them all the sack” mean? A. To help them to find new jobs. B. To stay inside while in the US. C. To get all of them dismissed. D. To offer them a large sum of money. 相关知识点: ...
I want to hit the sack and get some Z's.A.我要去击沙袋练练功。B.我想到前台抄几个邮政编码。C.我要去睡会儿觉。
•get the sack •get the red ass •get there •get the program •get the pink slip •get the picture •get the nod •get the monkey off •Get the message •Get the lead out! •get the last dance •get the jump on somebody ...
hit the hay[heɪ]或 hit the sack[sæk] 来替代go to bed 例: Even though it's not that late, I'm ready to hit the hay! 虽然还不太晚,但我真的想睡觉了。 02 “早睡早起” 常用的“早睡早起”的表达方式...