844. Korean Listening Practice - Going to Get a Massage in Korea是【油管搬运】800+集韩语学习教程 Learn Korean with KoreanClass101.com的第833集视频,该合集共计851集,视频收藏或关注UP主,及时了解更多相关视频内容。
【经典韩语入门教程】Let's Speak Korean(1-100) 柯岚岚 1.5万 播放 · 44 弹幕 哆啦A梦小叮当【韩国重制韩语配音版】集合 可爱的华夏国 1.8万 播放 · 199 弹幕 【改变世界的15分钟--韩语演讲】美的标准不唯一 | 听听普拉提女王讲述自己对美的理解 (双语字幕) 康寻酱 2.9万 播放 · 23 弹幕 【韩...
English Korean Dictionary T to give English Korean Dictionary - to givein Korean: 1.주다 Korean word "to give"(주다) occurs in sets: Koreański: słownictwo od łatwego to trudnego: 0 - 200 korean level 1. 2.줘요
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Talk to me in korean(L1~L2) 21.51万7571免费订阅 L1 第11课: 주세요 429206:35 L1 第12课 :맛있어요/맛없어요 506516:38 L1 第13课:-고 싶어요/더 436109:07 L1 第14课:뭐 하고 싶어요? 434011:49 L1 第15课: 汉字数词일, 이,삼 460716:21 L1 ...
Hi, I want to get started to learn korean. Looking for Korean friends. Anyone can help me and I have kakaotalk and line thanks in advance 🤗 查看翻译 Felicityxue 2018年1月23日 中文(简体) omg thank you so much 查看翻译 CarlaBP 2018年1月24日 葡萄牙语 (巴西) Do you study ...
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Today, information technology standardization is a big business and a key facilitator in economic development.3 Although the Korean government tried to induce information technology innovation by using de jure standardization as a main strategy in both the CDMA case and the IMT-2000 case, this ...
【合集】Korean Reading with Culture 2 韩语糖KoreanCandy 08:00 22-慢速韩语--保护环境-talk to me in korean 咖啡不加糖也不加奶 3:00:02 那些外语歌儿 10:02 【韩语】假如你的韩语老师是次人!跟着seventeen记韩语口语! 韩语望欣老师 2:28:40...