late 15c., "one who fills," agent noun fromfill(v.). Meaning "something used to fill" is from 1590s. Specifically of food products by 1901. fill-in(n.) "substitute," 1918 (as an adjective, 1916), from verbal phrase; seefill(v.),in(adv.). Earlier as a noun wasfill-up(1811)...
the meanest men in th the meaning and end o the meaning to the measures of incre the mechanical analys the mechanical proper the mechanism of rule the mechanisms involv the medical insurance the medici at san lor the medusa touch the meeting of the the meeting was sched the memories are si...
for make up for many parents for many practitioner for many times for me its spore for meaning for means for most engineering for mothers for my groupi for my lovely mammie for my own control for myself included for nature hates virg for nervous exhaustio for new application for nine golds...
15. to judge as to the truth, nature, or meaning of: What do you make of that remark? 16. to estimate; reckon: I make the value at $1000. 17. to put together; form: to make a matched set. 18. to amount to; total: Two plus two makes four. 19. to provide: That book makes...
Fill your senses. Do nothing. Think super-long-term. Intertwine with the world. ··· (更多) 喜欢读"How to Live"的人也喜欢· ··· Anything You Want8.3 The Obstacle Is the Way7.5 Hidden Potential7.9 Clear Thinking8.1 程序员修炼之...
1. Name the problem:Nothing’s worse than stinking up the bathroom and having everyone know it was you. 2. Why hasn’t the problem been solved:Aerosols don’t work – and they’re not healthy for you; they barely mask the odor. ...
B.Ambiguity:using a double-meaning or an unclear description to mislead or misrepresent the truth. C.Hasty generalization:making an argument or a statement without sufficient evidence to support it. D.Bandwagon:trying to ...
Passionate Purpose, Vibrant Health - A 30-Day Home-Study Experience With Dr. Margaret PaulUncover the blueprint for what you came here to do - for what has heart and meaning for you. The Ultimate Collection: Complete Self-Love- The ONLY Self-Help, Self-Love Program You'll Ever Need to...
Cupindicators make it easytofill thekettle with the amount of water you need, meaning you cansaveupto66% energy. 量杯指示燈讓您可以輕鬆地依照水量需求加水,節省高達 66% 的能源。 ...
Dream interpretation is the art of deciphering dream meaning. Real Dream Interpretation is a site that will help you understand the message of your dreams.