That’s why I’m re-uploading the story I posted yesterday,だから昨日アップしたストーリーを再投稿したけど、 but this time using more natural Japanese. 今回は最初の投稿より自然な日本語を使ってみたんだ。There’s nothing new in it, so feel free to skip it.内容はあんまり変わらな...
little of the language yet who still are compelled to speak without fear of making mistakes in front of others. If only I had the level of ability that I do now along with the confidence that I had when I knew very little.今一度お知恵をお貸しいただきますれば、幸甚に存じます。@...
I feel truly sorry for my friend, and I want to apologize to him. Does it make sense the text below?"Sorry for messaging out of the blue! "There’s something that has been weighing on my mind, and I’ve been wanting to apologize to you.Last time we were messaging, you asked me ...