To End All Wars: Directed by David L. Cunningham. With Ciarán McMenamin, Robert Carlyle, Kiefer Sutherland, Mark Strong. During World War II, four Allied POWs endure harsh treatment from their Japanese captors while being forced to build a railroad thro
To End All War: Oppenheimer & the Atomic Bomb: Directed by Christopher Cassel. With J. Robert Oppenheimer, Kai Bird, Ellen Bradbury, Alan B. Carr. Exploring how one man's brilliance, hubris and relentless drive changed the nature of war forever.
37想看 片 名终极战火 上映时间2001年09月02日 又 名终止战火 To End All Wars 主 演罗伯特·卡莱尔基弗·萨瑟兰 剧情 这部英国片是根据真实故改编,描写二次世界大战日军攻占新加坡后,将一批英军俘虏带到缅甸建造死亡铁路的过程。除了饱受日军残暴凶的虐待,观众可以见到俘虏们饥苦交迫、伤病纠缠等等生不如死的悲惨...
See all filmmakers & crew (32) Trending Become a member to see MOVIEmeter and news information about The War to End All Wars: And Its American Veterans. Try IMDbPro Premium for free Box Office Become a member to see Box Office information about The War to End All Wars: And Its American...
To End All Wars 导演:David·L·Cunningham 主演:吉弗·莎瑟兰 罗伯特·卡莱尔 Sergio Jones Tracy Anderson 配音语言:英语 字幕语言:中文,英文 影片长度:125 发行日期:2001年 介质:DVD 碟片数量:1张 国家地区:美国 画质情况:清晰 淘宝同步:查看此商品淘宝上架情况 ...
The folks at Mill Creek Entertainment have released the 10-part documentary “WWI: The War to End All Wars†on DVD. The documentary is a detailed analysis of what was known as The Great War until the outbreak of World War II. Each episode covers a different...
2001,穿过桂河之谷,to end all wars 1942年,在新加坡投降的英军被送到日军在泰国的战俘营,其中有年轻上尉Ernest。 战俘营内,麦上校仍高傲的指挥着部下,维持着皇家军队的尊严。他的副手伊恩少校(Robert Carlyle扮演)一看就是个高傲刺头,面对日本军官的报数令,排在第一个的他微笑不语,伊藤上前掌刮伊恩,麦上校命令...
The photo to your right was taken at a summer movie shown in Astoria Park. Monday, August 1, 2022 beginning at 8.30 pm - Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory(G) 1971. Monday, August 8, 2022 beginning at 8.30 pm - Star Wa...
“We premiered an early version of this movie to journalists during a preview session for our latest album,The War To End All Wars, at the Royal Military Museum in Brussels. Witnessing their reaction to it was priceless - they were speechless - so we decided to take it to the next level...