Therefore, every day I will put my “To-do today” list where I can often see it, and cross out those “done” tasks. When I make this list, I will put wise time management techniques into practice. For example, I believe the first hour is where people are most productive. So I p...
“A to-do list should not be all the things in the universe that you need or want to do. It should be the three to five things you intend to do today,” she said. “Yes, you have more than that going on, but ideally your t...
Today list to do 1.回邮件 2.画图 3.完成discussion 4.撸铁,去拉拉器材 5.退衣服 6.找人看一眼衣服是不是买小了 7.少吃点吧,快被杀了!!!
DONG-IK (CONT’D) But why does he have to do it in my car? And why in the backseat? That’s my space. Is he trying to mark his territory? With his dirty cum stains? Son of a bitch crossed the line. Yon-Kyo doesn’t know what to do. Her husband rarely gets this upset....
Today Well Spent Clarity Is Power 清晰就是力量75 人赞同了该文章 预计阅读需5分钟 01. To Do, or Not To Do? To-Do-List,中文:待办事项清单(下文简称“待办清单”),是很多人每天工作生活不可或缺的一部分。其实它更像是个“愿望清单”,你难道不是每希望完成什么,就把它往你的清单上添加吗?写的过程...
I Daily TO DO List I -Let's get things done today- 来段小小GIF动画,教会大家DTDL的用法 -DTDL的存在理念- 首先,用于工作和生活上的【to dos】和【events】,帮你理清待办事宜和约会安排。to dos里做了就在事项前打个勾,一目了然哪些还没做。events里写上时间和事物,不给任何迟到错过找借口。
在To-Do栏中,右击“Arranged By(排序)”选择“Custom(自定义)”在Customize View:To-Do List对话框中,选择Filter(过滤),再选择Advanced(高级)标签。然后在Field(项目)中选择Date/Time Fields – Due Date。接着再设置新项目中的值,在Condition(情况)中选择“on or before”,Value(值)中填入“Today”。
busy 英 [ˈbɪzi] 美 [ˈbɪzi]adj. 繁忙的,忙碌的;热闹的;全神贯注的;占线的;繁琐的,杂乱的。v. 使自己忙于。n. 警官,警察。近义词:engaged 英 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd] 美 [ɪnˈɡeɪdʒd]adj. 已订婚的;...
今日任务,苹果官方「优秀新 App」首页推荐。 今日任务,是一款高效管理待办实现任务(Todo)、日程管理(GTD) 、时间表日常规划管理提醒的应用。全球上千万的用户选择我们的产品证实了我们产品的实用性。 无论是工作计划,个人生活或家庭学习,它都会帮助你更好的完成自己的事项。